Tuesday 23 November 2010

Affinities Between Signs

This is where the signs come in, and this is the crucial piece that is missing from the modern dialogue about the aspects.  The five major ‘Ptolemaic’ aspects, the conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition, are not just based on the geometrical shapes and distances that they correspond with, but they also connect together signs of the zodiac which share an affinity with one another through their gender, element, and modality.  Here is how that breaks down:
  • Signs that are sextile share an affinity through the same gender.  So, Aries and Gemini are both masculine signs, and that is what they share in common.
  • Signs that are square share the same modality.  So, Taurus and Leo are both fixed signs, and that is what they share in common.
  • Signs that are trine share the same element as well as the same gender.  So, Cancer and Scorpio are both water signs and they are both feminine, so that is their affinity.
  • Signs that are in opposition share the same gender, although they also share a special connection through the polarity of their domicile lords, since the rulers of those signs traditionally are diametrically opposite but complementary in their characteristics.
From http://horoscopicastrologyblog.com/2010/07/26/the-importance-of-yods-in-astrology/ 

A composite chart is created by taking the 'midpoints' produced by the combination of the couples' corresponding planets. Each sign is composed of 30 degrees, and the signs are continuous round the zodiac from 0 degrees to 360: 12 x 30. For a composite chart you take the whole numbers of the signs and add them up.

The Zodiac is:
aries  from 0 - 29 degrees taurus  from 30 - 59 gemini  from 60 - 89
cancer   from  90 - 119 leo   from 120 - 149 virgo   from 150 - 179
libra   from 180 - 209 scorpio  from 210 - 239 sagittarius  from 240 - 269
capricorn   from 270 - 299 aquarius  from 300 - 329 pisces   from 330 - 359

So, if your Sun is at 20 degrees of Aries your Sun number is 20. If your partner’s Sun is 8 degrees of Sagittarius it is 248 (in degs of the whole zodiac, Sag starting at 240degs),. Add the two of them together, 20 + 248 = 268, then divide by 2, which gives 134. That means that the midpoint of your Sun and that of your partner is at 14 degrees of Leo (which starts at 120 degs). This is the Sun for your composite relationship chart.
     Do the same for all the planets: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, and the North Node. Also for your combined Ascendants and for the Midheaven.

    elementally speaking:
    the elements distinguish character 'modes' - thought / intuition / sensation / feeling
    Air Signs:  ( thought) Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
    will be more drawn to Fire signs & other Air signs. Earth signs may prove to stolid for quicksilver air intellects.
    Earth Signs:(sensation) Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
    Will be more drawn to Water signs and Fire signs. The breeziness of Air signs can prove too impersonal.
    Fire Signs:  (intuition) Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
    will be more drawn to other Fire signs, and Earth signs. The characteristic emotional dependence of water signs can smother fire's energy.
    Water Signs: (feeling) Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
    Will be more drawn to Air signs and other Water signs. The outgoing and flamboyant fire signs can be just too much.
    The energy, creativity and flamboyance of fire signs sees them attract a wide range of other signs but attraction does not necessarily equate to lasting relationships, where Water signs tend to be the most attractive long term bet. The earth signs hallmark is dependability and practicality, while the air signs are traditionally the most awkward to combine with.

    the qualities indicate character types: dynamic Cardinals / self-assured Fixed / changeable Mutables
    Cardinal Signs:  Libra,Capricorn, Aries, Cancer Can work well with Mutable signs but may dominate
    Fixed Signs: Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio Get along best with other fixed signs
    Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces Can find the fixed signs to rigid and inflexible
    It's more often the case that you'll get on readily with other signs of the same quality or element, but especially where the quality is shared.  The sharp eyed will observe that the polar opposite signs are found within each quality - eg in Cardinal you find Libra-Aries and Capricorn-Cancer.

    Friday 19 November 2010

    Mars transiting through your natal chart

    From Astrology Transit

    Transiting Mars is a very interesting cycle to follow if you keep a diary. Discover when Mars transits each of the angles of your natal chart (ASC, IC, DSC and MC) and relate to the changes that happen in your personal life. Because this cycle last 2 years, it is very important to follow several cycles and check what has happened in your life when Mars transited the same zodiacal signs.

    Have you notice those coincidences? Like I had very important events related to my intimate relationships in summer 2010, summer 2008, summer 2006 and summer 2004, every 2 years, because that's when Mars transited my seventh house!

    Mars transiting the 1st and 2nd house entails a new crises, where we feel to push a new direction and a new freedom and personal space.

    When Mars transits the 3rd house, we already has major developments in our personal life, this is a very dynamic and active period, good for travel and meeting new people.

    Mars transiting the 4th, 5th and 6th (the IC) entails another deep personal shift, very much related to the same theme of the first house, but now with significant solutions, a whole new significant inner meaning. So, often we manifest by now a new direction in our life, but also end up breaking relationship, having changes of residence, new jobs, living in new places, etc.

    Mars transiting the 7th, 8th and 9th, is related much social and relationship activity. This is a new period unfolding on your life. By the 9th house, we start looking for new horizons again.

    Mars transiting the 10th and 11th (MC) deals with we have been living, and is a reality check. We have some important changes, in career, or in our location, we enter a new stage of living. We might feel concerned about what we have achieved, and confront what we have manifested, we look now for future horizons, new career and personal directions, a kind of preparation for the whole new dynamics when Mars enters the first house again. We have a short break when Mars transits the 12th house, we feel less dynamic, less social, turning more inwards, more sensitive, in full contact with our dreams and inner needs.

    A meaningful cycle!

    I took several hours to write and review the essay below. It is the work of several months based on the powerful effects of transiting Mars under our natal houses. It is a very important cycle, that not many give attention to. It is a clear pacemaker of our lives, connected with our personal purposes, relationships and careers. 

    Mars transiting your 1st house to 4th house
    At this time, there is a challenge in your time. You challenge your the direction your life is taking. Because of this, crises often arises. And a new impulse, a new promise. Often there is a need for freedom and for the new. Mars tends to be impulsive, we want to move ASAP. However despite immediate action, there is not an immediate realization of our own goals. Normally, this will manifest within the next 6-12 months (there will be much more happening later, affairs and details to deal, etc). Relationships and jobs can suffer because of extra impulsiveness. This is an highly charged period, so conflicts can also arise. Still whatever you begin/apply for now, it will be worth later. This can be a very dynamic period.

    As Mars transits your second house, you begin grasping a more clear and solid plan. You take action. There is a new path ahead, for example a new job, that will manifest fully within the next months. Mars transiting the third house increases quite significantly our social life, we go out more, we express ourselves more, we meet new people (romantic involvements are more likely) and we travel more.

    Mars transiting your 4th house to 7th house
    Under these transits we turn inwards looking for answers. Often we are presented with a dillema in our lives, for example between career and relationships (following the themes that developed since the first house transit). We want something meaningful (or perhaps we want the freedom that we crave so much under the first house transit, but we also crave security now so we adopt a compromise between both). And so we are pressed to make (sometimes important) choices and compromises. This can be an emotionally heavy time and relationships can break up. Still, relationships will become an important theme later, under the seventh house transit. Because we change, frequently we also change our place of residence!

    Mars transiting the fifth can be a joyful, socially and active period. Criativity, emotions, romance will be increased. Often this feels as a completely brand new period! As Mars transits the sixth house we also actively apply our energy in our worklife, acomplishing a lot in our current job, or sometimes looking for a new job, we might be asked for an important new direction in our career. We are working for the practical solution to the problem related to the crises of the first house transit. Sometimes there is even a deep shorted crises (like questioning the direction and worth of our path and affairs) or we find out a brand new (and more worth) path for our lives. We often act upon that under the seventh house transit.

    Mars transiting your 7th house to 10th house
    Relationships are in focus. We meet people that will be significant in our lives. We are fully engaged with the people around us. This is often the maximum of social involvement of the cycle. Often whatever crises occurred under the first house, it is now balanced, with a solution. For example, we might have a compromise, opportunity for new project or relationship.

    Mars transiting eighth house brings further involvement in relationships. Often there are intense social experiences. Also spiritual interest begins now to have a more important (and perhaps new) dimension, and will during the next 6-12 months. Mars transiting the ninth can add extra travel and enjoyment; we look for new horizons, some new big dreams. Social involvement is still significant.

    Mars transiting your 10th house to 1st house
    Now we are pressed to evaluate our life. Shall we compromise our present direction, or break free. We feel unsure and we confront that feeling. We are faced in reclaiming authority over our lives, and confronting many issues in our lives, such as the solidity of our intimate relationships or jobs. Because of the tenth house saturn-like energy, we can face conflicts with authority or the family. We might be required to spend considerable energy taking practical steps in our career (just as one example, if we are unemployed we seek a new job, if we are employed, we want a new commitment). We may envision a new path ahead (that we discover under the ninth house transit), but that still lies ahead. This might be a cause of conflict later (in the first house). Often, under this transit, life changes quite significantly (new job, residence, place, even a new challenge). And this is the reason of extra energy required (we might want to adjust to the "society" or "job" around.

    As Mars progresses into the 11th and 12th house, we drawn ourselves away from society, we might feel more socially alienated, we explore lifestyle alternatives, and still we spend energy seeking what society might offer us, we meditate more (also connecting more with nature or with our most loved dreams), until the new impulse, challenge and personal crises of the first house. Of course, the alienation, and dreams from this period will colour the first house challenge.


    The word synastry comes from the Greek prefix "syn" - bringing together and "astron" - a star. It is the comparison of two or more horoscopes to determine compatibility. Any relationship can be analyzed synastrically (business partners, parent-child, teacher-student, etc.), but here remarks will be specific to love/marriage relationships. (Not surprising, since at this moment, Mercury and Venus are conjunct in Libra in my 5th house, trine my ascendant and natal Mercury in the 8th.)

    The prime significators of the wife in a man's chart are Venus and the Moon. In a woman's chart, the prime significators of the husband are the Sun and Mars. The sign and house placement of these planets in the nativity, as well as placements of and aspects to the rulers of the 5th and 7th houses, indicate the type of mate the native is likely to attract or be attracted to. Consequently, cross aspects (aspects between charts) to these planets are frequently seen in love relationships. Psychologists and psychiatrists since Freud have observed that people often choose mates who are very similar to their parent of the opposite sex. This is easily understood considering that the Sun and Moon are also prime significators of the father and mother. The parent/child relationship may be played out repeatedly in later adult relationships until the individual eventually resolves his/her family-of-origin issues. Astrological counseling can be valuable in this regard. With the help of the parents' and siblings' natal charts, client and astrologer can examine the early family dynamics and possibly discover outmoded behavior patterns that have hindered the individual's evolution.

    The human need for relationship on an emotional and spiritual level is in part a search for wholeness. We seek from others that which we feel we lack. The 7th house shows areas where we may deny our own personal characteristics and project them onto others, particularly our mates. The danger in this is that we may eventually resent the person for the very same reasons we chose him/her in the first place! Obviously, until we acknowledge and "own" all that we are, it is difficult to establish harmony in relationships with others. Sometimes this feeling of "lack" has a genuine astrological basis. People with no planets in water signs, for instance, may be attracted to people with many water planets. (Of course, no chart is ever truly devoid of any element. A chart with no planets in water signs will undoubtedly have planets in "water houses".) I have been fortunate in my practice to have had the opportunity to work with "astrological twins". Their charts have no planets in earth signs and a cardinal t-square involving 6 planets. One of them is married to a woman with Moon/Jupiter/Ascendant in Capricorn; the other was involved with a woman with Sun/Jupiter/Venus in Capricorn. Their strong t-squares attracted the missing element of a grand cross. Talk about wholeness!

    I've also seen instances where a person with a very strong opposition (two or more planets conjunct, in opposition to another conjunction) falls in love with a person who has a major planet or planets t-squaring that opposition. Or a person with a strong square attracts someone with planets in opposition and square that configuration, again creating a t-square by cross-aspect. A multiple planet trine may attract the third element to complete a grand trine; however, despite popular "sun sign" books which advise, "If you are a Leo, your most compatible signs are Aries and Sagittarius", I've noticed sun trines occurring more often in platonic friendships than in love/marriage relationships. A certain amount of friction is desirable (indeed, necessary on the physical level!) in sexual relationships. In my observation, the most powerful cross-aspects in love relationships are the man's Moon or Venus conjunct or oppose the woman's Sun, Mars, ascendant or ruler of the ascendant; and correspondingly, the woman's Sun or Mars oppose or conjunct the man's Moon, Venus, ascendant or ruler of the ascendant.

    There are apt to be many cross-aspects in the charts of lovers or marriage partners. Bear in mind that the "hard" aspects (squares and oppositions) do not always forebode great difficulties, nor are the "soft" aspects (sextiles and trines) always favorable. For instance, if a man's Saturn t-squares his partner's Moon/Uranus opposition, he may provide a grounding, stabilizing factor to her emotional fluctuations; whereas, a man's Jupiter trine his wife's Venus may cause him to be overindulgent with her, lavishing her with expensive gifts and spending far beyond his means. Of course, these examples will not necessarily manifest thusly - ALL factors between charts need to be taken into consideration.

    Synastrically, planets in mutual reception (each planet in the sign of the other's ruler) have a certain sympatico. Therefore, one partner's Saturn in Aries and the other's Mars in Capricorn, even though they may be square by orb, could work well together - the mutual receptivity mitigates the tension of the square. An affinity also exists between planets in antiscion degree (i.e. at the solstice point - equidistant from the Capricorn/Cancer axis). While an Aries Sun and a Virgo Moon may not be thought of as particularly compatible, if the Sun is at 27 degrees Aries and the Moon at 3 degrees Virgo there is a definite link. Midpoints become important in cross-chart analysis; for if a planet in one chart conjuncts the midpoint of two planets in another chart, those two planets become "aspected" WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE RELATIONSHIP, even though no aspect exists between them in the individual chart.

    When the planets of one nativity are placed in the appropriate houses of the partner's chart, and vice versa, we get a more detailed picture of the areas of life where these energies will have their greatest impact; once again the 5th and 7th houses are critical, as well as the 4th, if the partners live together. Be aware that a planet in any sign will have a strong character resemblance to a planet in that sign's natural house. Thus, Mars in Aquarius in one partner's chart will function similarly to an 11th house Mars in the mate's chart, regardless of its sign placement.

    Perhaps the most important point to remember in synastric analysis is that personal growth and evolution are the reason we're all here in this schoolroom called planet Earth. Most of our lessons are learned in the context of our dealings with others. The strength and longevity of any given relationship depends to a large extent on the level of maturity and degree of personal commitment of the individuals involved.

    Bio: Jacquie Smith is a writer and astrologer specializing in synastric relationship counseling. She is currently writing a book entitled "The Neptune Factor: The Astrology of Addiction and Recovery." 

    Saturday 13 November 2010

    Unaspected Planets

    by Karen Hamaker-Zondag

    Aspects form a vital component of the interpretation of the natal chart. They link the planets that are the active and dynamic factors of the horoscope. Each link means that a piece of our psychic energy is making contact with another part, and that these parts not only influence each another and can work together (or work against each other), it is also particularly true that they see each other and experience each other consciously. This makes it possible for us to get to know ourselves.

    It does, however, happen that one or more planets do not receive or make any major aspects. They stand apart, and are therefore unintegrated. They have no direct influence on other planets (or psychic dynamics), and are themselves also not influenced, so they can exhibit extremes in their effects. We notice this particularly in an all-or-nothing attitude: quick to exaggerate, or precisely the opposite: not responsive in the least. In any case, whether a planet is unaspected depends particularly on the question of how large an orb we use. If we allow very large orbs, then there is little chance of having unaspected planets. If, however, we allow very small orbs, there is in fact a greater chance of having one or more unaspected planets. So, if we want to involve unaspected planets in our interpretation, we will first need to think about the question of orbs. And with this issue, unaspected planets can be of service to us.

    The characteristics of an unaspected planet are very specific. If a planet in its expression also bears the characteristic of an unaspected planet, then it is likely that it is not, in fact, making any aspects. If you allow large orbs, for instance of 10? or more, as was still occasionally customary some time ago, then this planet may possibly still make one or more aspects, which would not exist using a smaller orb. However, if the planet is working as an unaspected one, we will obviously need to use smaller orbs. On the contrary, it is likewise true that if a planet is unaspected when using very small orbs, but the person in question doesn't reveal the characteristic expression of this in practice, we know we will have to allow somewhat more leeway in orbs. In studying aspects, I have looked at both major and minor aspects. Whenever planets made exclusively minor aspects, they seemed to work like unaspected planets. This is why, in my experience, a planet is unaspected if it makes no major aspects. The minor ones evidently do not play a part in this.

    Researching the effect of unaspected planets finally also led me to particular orbs for aspects, and these are the orbs I will be using. (See Table 2, below.) With unaspected planets, the issue is about aspects made to other psychic dynamics, meaning planets. If a planet aspects the Ascendant or the MC [Midheaven], but not other planets, it will in practice turn out to have the characteristics of an isolated planet. We will, of course, learn to recognize a planet in aspect with an angle, meaning with the ASC or the MC, a bit sooner.
    Characteristics of Unaspected Planets

    If we have an unaspected planet in the horoscope, it is very likely that we aren't really very aware of all the things we do with it and how strongly we bring this planet to expression in daily life. An unaspected planet manifests itself unmistakably though! However, just to clear up a couple of misconceptions right off the bat: an unaspected planet is not weak, not insignificant, and not bad. On the contrary, many people who have achieved extraordinary things turn out to have had help in doing so from an unaspected planet in the horoscope. With unaspected planets, the question is not, therefore, whether we can achieve anything with them, because we definitely can. Instead, the question is how we go about it and how that feels inside.
    Aspects and Orbs

    (in relation to one another)

    SUN & MOON (in relation to
    each other and to other planets)









    3? (possibly 5?)

    3? (possibly 3.5?)


    In Search -- Preoccupation

    An isolated planet has to do everything by itself. At first it even seems like the other subject matter inside us doesn't see this piece of us. That's why we don't get to know it very quickly. Somewhere, though, deep inside, we do know it's there. This isn't so much a conscious knowing, but more an implicit knowing. It makes us tend to keep searching for that piece of ourselves, that planet. To our feeling, it is a "faraway" given, and if this concerns a skill or activity, we'll have the idea that we aren't ready to do it by a long shot and "maybe never will learn," without there being any demonstrable proof of this. That inner feeling is usually pretty strong, and if one little thing goes wrong, we tend to lend it a lot more weight than necessary.

    So, we go off in search of the subject matter of that planet. Some domains that are appropriate to that planet even hold a sort of magical or mysterious kind of attraction. Once I met a boy with an unaspected Mercury who, at a very early age, was fascinated by pencils and pens (objects appropriate to Mercury). Whenever his parents couldn't find any, all they had to do was go to his room and that's where they would find just about all the writing utensils they had in the house! He simply couldn't keep his hands off them. No matter what his parents did -- from asking in a friendly way to leave the pens where they belonged, to giving him a big set of his own pens, to punishing him -- nothing worked. Each pen had its own fascination. Mercury can, of course, also entail lots of other things, so a fascination can also lie in other Mercury domains. For this boy, it was pens.

    Precisely because of this fascination and our "being in search of," we will be preoccupied with an unaspected planet, but won't ourselves be aware of it at all. The problem is, namely, that there are no other planets that provide any contact with this isolated planet, so that at first we don't see all the things we do with it. We simply don't recognize it, and aren't able to place it, like the boy with his pens. He simply didn't understand that he had a few too many of them in his room. It's as if everything we do with that planet somehow or other isn't to be fathomed, knows no moderation, or isn't to be controlled. This, by the way, doesn't have to be the case forever.

    Over the course of life we will have several chances to gain insight into this: other planets will naturally start creating aspects with it in transit and progression, and in those periods will make contact with that subject matter. Then we suddenly take a big step forward and see what we're doing, or come closer to deeper longings and character traits. And the unaspected planet itself will start creating aspects in progression and transit as well. So there will be plenty of chances to learn moderation and to figure ourselves out. Initially, though, things will be tough. However, it seems as if our unconscious wants to help in every way to start seeing the subject matter of that unaspected planet.

    If we are preoccupied with the energy or domain of that planet, the chance that various things will start getting through to us is better, of course, and we will also begin to recognize this kind of planet sooner that way. But a long running start is still needed for this, and in the meantime we are not aware to what extent those around are confronted by this unintegrated planet. Our emphasizing it means those around us will already have experienced the full weight of it and will have to endure more before we have even the slightest inkling of what we're up to. In fact, if we hear remarks or criticism about it, we will in all honesty not have a clue what they're talking about.

    For example: A client has a son with an unaspected Mars. He is an extremely lively and active little boy, so maybe the description "the height of restlessness and energy" would be better. He sleeps little and is always nearby making lots of noise. He is a radiant child who is clearly enjoying life. He (still) isn't aware of how much difficulty his parents are having with this. They are understanding and patient (and love their peace and quiet!), but often he's too much for them. They were unable to grasp that even after years of asking him if he couldn't just sit still at the table, he still always kicked, danced, and knocked things over due to the restlessness of his movements. His mother told me once that her son, while yelling, was drumming on the table with his silverware, barely missing his plate, and thereby creating a situation where his parents were unable to say a single word to each other. Mars was clearly active. When she finally exclaimed, "Now, can't you sit still for just one minute?" her son looked at her in utter surprise and even denied that he had made any noise or done anything.

    This is a critical problem for children with unaspected planets. Every parent who knows something about unaspected planets will know that a child doesn't really see what he or she is doing, and the boy in this case may honestly be totally surprised at his mother's remark. It is very possible that he felt he hadn't even begun to drum and shout. It unmistakably remains a fact, however, that he was already at it and producing a barrelful of noise. Most parents would react with some form of annoyance after all, why is the child denying this? Does the child also want to be contrary? And why does the child keep denying it? After all, it's obvious he is doing it! Sure, for outsiders it's clear that he was doing it. He is the only one who doesn't see it.

    The fascination that an unaspected planet exerts on its "owner," coupled with an orientation toward the domain of that planet, largely contribute to the development of the talent that particular planet promises. Unnoticed, we develop many facets of this energy by continually being preoccupied with it, but as soon as we start understanding and recognizing this energy a little more, it holds even more potential. The fascination and the quest give us focus on -- and at the same time an orientation toward -- a particular domain. Frequently, people choose the domain of the unaspected planet as their profession, or otherwise use the energy of this planet in their daily lives. This is certainly possible, and can be done with great joy and very consciously. I once saw a sports teacher (she has an emphasized 5th house) with an unaspected Venus finally change profession: she became a cosmetologist.
    Insecurity and the Unaspected Planet

    Another hallmark of unaspected planets is that they are often accompanied by feelings of insecurity. This insecurity is connected to a number of things. In the first place, the idea of "being in search of," that often expresses itself in a kind of restless feeling, I sometimes try to describe as a feeling of "hunger," or "yearning," or "being unfulfilled" in the area of that planet. A longing, too, but for what we don't know. It can't be described; it is diffuse and vague, and we can't really make anybody see what it's all about. Even if we have everything our hearts desire, this feeling can still be there. So it has absolutely nothing to do with external circumstances or with whatever we've achieved in life.

    An unaspected Moon, for instance, can have a deep longing for security and a profound need for warmth, and even run the risk of not seeing the warmth that is there (but this is not on purpose!) because of a gnawing feeling that overrides it.

    Or, to give an example of Venus: A couple of years ago a couple consulted me and asked for an astrological analysis of their relationship. They had been married almost thirty years, but the woman was in a kind of crisis. She didn't know if she loved her husband, or if she had ever loved him, and claimed she didn't really know what love actually was. Her husband didn't take this personally. His commentary was simple and honest, "We've gotten along very well together all these years, and I just know she loves me, and I love her. So something else must be going on, and that's why we're here." His wife, however, had gotten hold of the nagging thought that she didn't know what love was, and therefore also didn't know if she loved her husband.

    Her Venus created no aspects whatsoever! After I had explained what an unaspected planet meant in general, and how an unaspected Venus works in particular, something finally clicked in her. She understood that the unfulfilled and searching feeling was inside herself and had nothing to do with her marriage. "If I look back at it that way," she said, "then we have in fact gotten along very well together all these years, and I wouldn't want to be without my husband." There was a moment of silence, and then she said, "Maybe that's what love is. Maybe I shouldn't be getting myself so worked up about it anymore, and accept that I can't catch or grasp it all." This is a nice example of how, with an unaspected planet, we can run the risk of misjudging a situation because with all that "searching" we begin to mull and fret. Just as often, though, all that searching has yet another result, namely the idea that we "aren't there yet," or can't do certain things. In the case of the unaspected Venus, this can express itself in a feeling that others don't think we're nice, or that we weren't cut out for love, or that we feel inferior because of our looks and/or emotions. In every instance this feeling does not corroborate the real situation or talents and capabilities. Once again though, the fact is that we don't see it at first. And even with an unaspected Venus, we can be very sweet, mediate very well, and have a finely tuned sense of harmony! Hidden in an unaspected planet like this is a great talent waiting to be discovered.
    Relating to the Energy

    When we have an unaspected planet, we need to learn to relate to that energy, which means seeing that energy in relation to ourselves. This is absolutely essential. As long as we don't do this, and also don't see how we behave, our unconscious will confront us with the theme, and that means that we will encounter it by projecting it on others, as well as experiencing it in the circumstances and events of our lives. I even ran into this very literally, as the following example will illustrate.

    Mars has traditionally been associated with everything that is sharp. Wasps also fall under Mars. In my practice I have had various clients with an unaspected Mars, and they have all had some problem or other with wasps. A couple of them turned out to have a wasps' nest in their homes. One had a nest hanging in the attic and he discovered this because he kept hearing a strange soft humming noise. The nest had to be removed by local exterminators -- it was one of the biggest ones that had ever been found in a private home in the Netherlands!

    So, with unaspected planets it takes longer before we see what we want and what we are doing. This will entail quite a few problems from the point of view of raising children. Children with unaspected Jupiters will have a strong tendency to exaggerate on all fronts. If given a piece of candy, they will usually ask for another one right away, as if they think that they didn't get enough. However, asked why they want another piece of candy, they won't be able to answer. This is not a question of greed or of feeling shortchanged. The unaspected Jupiter seems to want to multiply everything, including the number of candies the children get.

    For parents, it is difficult to understand what's really going on, because they keep seeing that the child wants more. If we know nothing about unaspected planets or what they do, the obvious conclusion is that the child is greedy, or is only thinking of himself or herself, and so on. So the parents decide to approach the child about this behavior, because it's not appropriate. If their efforts turn out to have no effect, and the child simply keeps up the old behavior, the parents won't understand that the child's not doing this on purpose. After all, it is abundantly clear what's happening! And so the child is placed under more and more pressure and gets into trouble, when the child has no clue about the issue. This is not only very confusing for the child, it can also have harmful consequences farther down the line.

    Just imagine the world of experience of that child. The child doesn't see what he or she is doing, and so can't understand the scolding. The child feels misunderstood. If punishments follow because "the child just doesn't want to listen," the child will feel rejected, and there is a big chance that he or she will begin to feel unsure, misunderstood, and insecure. Many problems that we have as adults with unaspected planets are not so much locked up in these unaspected planets as such, but derive from what we experienced around their themes when we were young. We can't, however, blame or find fault with the parents for what went wrong. After all, they honestly tried to civilize their child to protect it from social problems later on. And where that polishing seems to succeed with other children, it won't catch on or much less so with the child who has an unaspected planet. For this child, the situation arises where he or she may feel desperate under all that polishing, because he or she doesn't have a clue, while the parents feel equally desperate because they can't do a thing with this child. Insight into unaspected planets can help us stay out of this spiral.

    However, insight into a child's unaspected planets will also create new problems. If we have an understanding of the expressions of the child's unaspected planet, we will tend to tolerate the extremes in behavior a lot more. We understand what's involved, and want to give the child safety and security above all. Certainly if we understand that a child can experience these crazy contradictions regarding an unaspected planet -- on the one hand great joy and pleasure, on the other the frequently arising insecurity - we will try to give the child a feeling of security and stimulate it in the area of the unaspected planet. What will happen? The child will (unintended and unconsciously) start to exaggerate that planet even more, and we'll have a lot of trouble on our hands. As a parent, we will encounter new dilemmas.

    In this way, a child with an unaspected Sun can manifest itself very powerfully, pretty domineeringly even, and in a way that doesn't leave much room as an adult. At the same time, the child will often feel unsure and won't be aware of his or her behavior. So, if, as a parent, we give a child extra attention and try to develop self-confidence, he or she will unconsciously behave even more domineeringly, and can then start sucking up all the attention. This can easily happen at the expense of other children, or lead to unpleasant situations, such as when many adult family members come to a birthday party for one of the parents, and the child turns out to dominate the entire atmosphere. This will certainly result in commentary from the rest of the family. Result: the child feels a split-understanding on the part of the parents, and rejection on the part of a number of family members. An unaspected planet is very sensitive particularly to these kinds of experiences! And if we try to redirect the child a little at that party, there is the chance he or she won't understand what's going on, and so feel misunderstood anyway, by the parents as well. So, a dilemma in raising such children!

    Unaspected planets require patience and understanding on the part of parents. Time and again parents will need to explain the child's behavior to the child. Camcorders are a big help here! If a child who is a bit older looks at scenes taken years before, he or she can see objectively the behavior in question. I have witnessed at various times that children slowly began to understand from this what was going on. But don't start filming troublesome situations on purpose, that will only elicit more stress! Explaining and talking, over the course of years, will really help a child with one or more unaspected planets on its way. In the meantime, though, the child will still feel jerked around a lot, and no matter what we do as parents and no matter how good our intentions are, we simply can't get around this. So it makes no sense to feel guilty about it. Realize that the child has a number of exceptional talents, but needs to be patiently guided to create a safe basis from which those talents can develop. The more we help the child to connect with that "loose piece," the sooner he or she will be able to develop these natural talents in a conscious way.

    Astrology Alphabet

    by Bernadette Brady

    Every language has an alphabet and predictive astrology is no different. What the astrologer is trying to do in formulating a prediction is to take the language of the Cosmos and translate that information into the conscious world of the client.

    The way in which we produce this information from the Cosmos is via the predictive system we use; i.e., transits, progressions, and so on. However, no matter what system you used, there is one common thread and that is the definition of the basic units or alphabet with which the language or data is written.

    The alphabet of astrology is made up of the planets, aspects, houses, and signs. With these basic components the Cosmos can spin a million or so stories. In a natal chart, the stories are magical and mysterious, involving mythology and the history of a person’s race. In such a world, the language creates very complex messages, for people have their whole lives to “tinker” with the particular coded messages termed a natal chart.

    However, in the world of predictive astrology, the information is only present for a short period of time and there is no time to explore the concept being presented. There is just time to hear the basic message and to act on it before the next signal comes in. So although the language may be undiscovered Shakespeare, the perception is of a simple dialogue.

    Whatever the method of dynamic predictive astrology used, by its very definition it must be a temporary connection to the natal chart. The dynamic planet (progressed or transiting) makes itself felt by way of an aspect and thus connects to the chart; it then symbolically transmits information or energy and, finally, disconnects. It is not there forever, like a natal aspect. It is transient—a tourist traveling through an unknown country.

    Thus, the dynamic planet comes onto the stage of clients’ lives like an invader or intruder, the pragmatist in the plot. The rest of the actors (natal planets) on stage have to deal with this energy, which is seen as raw, young, and not integrated into the system. For this reason the dynamic planets and aspects, unlike their natal cousins, do not have time to grow and mature in their expression, and consequently take on slightly different and considerably simpler meanings.

    For example, say Jane has Saturn opposing the Sun in her natal chart. She has her whole life to work with it, grow it, develop it, mature it. The inferiority complex in youth that this aspect can indicate would most likely convert to an achievement drive in adulthood. Granted this achievement drive could be spurred on by a fear of failure fueled by feelings of inadequacy, but Jane has worked with this aspect and can thus get better results from it. This is an aspect which is part of her, which over the years, has gained rapport with other facets of herself. On the other hand, if having transiting Saturn opposing her natal Sun, restrictions and commitment suddenly come thundering into her life, with none of the subtleties of the above mentioned natal aspect. Before she has time to “turn the tables on it” and mature it, the transit is gone.

    So in working with predictive astrology, the key issue is to recognize this simplicity. The language of astrology is rich and beautiful, but in predictive work its rich symbolism is put into simple packages. The symbols do not lose their beauty, they are simply less complex in their expression. This concept can be encapsulated by the KISS principle—Keep It Simple Sweetheart—which indeed is a golden rule of predictive astrology. So with simplicity as the Rosetta Stone of prediction, let’s look at the alphabet of our language.

    Planets in Predictive Work

    The following are some keywords, which are by no means absolute, for the luminaries and planets when they are involved in dynamic astrology.

    • Key Principle: life, vitality, the very being, self.
    • Rate of travel through the zodiac: about 10° per day.
    • Time to travel through a chart: 1 year.
    • Use in predictive work: receives transits and makes and receives progressions.
    • Figures: father, authority figures of any type, a famous person, a superior person.
    The Sun is the foundation stone of the human being. In a natal chart, it represents the life journey and story which will be undertaken by the individual seeking awareness. Thus the Sun sign is important, for it reveals the myth or story that the individual follows through life. Transits and progressions to or from this luminary indicate events in the journey of life and a reassessment of personal identity. The person may experience this as life-threatening, or life-supporting. Either way, it is like turning the page in the story of life and getting on to the next “adventure”.

    • Key Principle: mother, feminine, nurturing, children, body or kinesthetic responses to world, i.e. emotions.
    • Rate of travel though the zodiac: about 12° per day.
    • Time to travel through a chart: 27-1/2 days.
    • Use in predictive work: receives transits and makes and receives progressions.
    • Figures: mother, children, loved ones that you nurture, people who need physical help.

    Dynamic contacts to the Moon will color emotional processes. You experience changes in emotional responses, changes in eating habits, changes in body rhythms. Things that are dear to you, things that are part of your security system could change. The Moon, more than any other planet or luminary, takes on a very strong bias from the sign that it occupies and this should always be considered when dealing with this luminary.

    • Key Principle: methods of information-collecting, processing, and distributing.
    • Rate of travel through the zodiac: up to 2°30’ per day.
    • Time to travel through a chart: about 1 year.
    • Use in predictive work: receives transits and makes and receives progressions.
    • Figures: young people, or people who deal with information or stationery.
    Dynamic contacts to Mercury herald events concerning paperwork, study, writing, talking, short journeys, and a great deal of movement. New ways of gaining information may be encountered by a spectrum of methods from finding a new bookshop to having prophetic visions.

    • Key Principle: relating, relationships, resources.
    • Rate of travel through the zodiac: up to 1°15’ per day.
    • Time to travel through a chart: about 1 year.
    • Use in predictive work: receives transits and makes and receives progressions.
    • Figures: young women, artists, lovers, or money-handlers.
    Dynamic contacts to Venus will emphasize your relationship to the world or to an individual. You could find yourself changing your attitude to a group of friends or falling in or out of love. Your sense of worth is questioned, the value of things, such as friendships or relationships, is examined. You become aware of resources—emotional, spiritual or financial—and this is a time when these resources can be stretched.

    • Key Principle: focused action, directed motivation, drive.
    • Rate of travel through the zodiac: up to 0°40’ per day.
    • Time to travel through a chart: about 2-1/2 years.
    • Use in predictive work: mostly for receiving transits, and progressions. Only used for making transits indicating acute days, or days of great activity. It also has some value as it transits through the houses, showing where the current motivation is at the moment. Also used for making or receiving progressions.
    • Figures: young, rough, strong, motivated, sexual, angry or coarse males or females.
    When a chart is receiving a Mars contact it will indicate that anger, motivation, or drive is being activated. The reason is enthused with an idea or feeling. This idea may plunge the reason into physical activities, to experience strong sexual motivation, encounter angry people, or even cause the person to be part of an accident.

    • Key Principle: expansion of the world view, growth, movement.
    • Rate of travel through the zodiac: about 30° a year.
    • Time to travel through a chart: 12 years.
    • Use in predictive work: mainly for its ability to make transits and receive progressions.
    • Figures: grandfather, teacher, guru, traveler, adventurer.
    When Jupiter is being emphasized by dynamic astrology, there are going to be changes to your worldview. What you are learning, what you are mastering, what you believe in are all areas that can be affected. Jupiter is the energy of expansiveness, whether you like it or not. It takes joy in the big picture and will influence life by the desire to expand the individual’s world. The outward effect of this can be to bring study (mental expansion) or travel (physical expansion of the worldview) into your life. If it is impossible for the world to expand due to the life circumstance, then Jupiter will simply change the life circumstance so that an expansion can occur. This may not be a joyful event.

    In addition, it would seem that people with a strong natal Jupiter (or who have a large dollop of Sagittarius in the chart) find that transits from or progressions to Jupiter are too excessive, leading to obsessive, manic types of overreactions which generally leave them exhausted at the end of the period.

    • Key Principle: structure, responsibility, commitment, authority, building; to take shape and form; consolidation of one’s position in life.
    • Rate of movement through the zodiac: about 12° per year.
    • Time to travel through a chart: about 29 years.
    • Use in predictive work: in both giving and receiving transits as well as receiving progressions.
    • Figures: any person or group who can wield authority over you. Individuals who intimate. Individuals or groups for which you are responsible
    Saturn is the planet of material form. Its issues are about being here now, being a physical human being in a physical body coping with our physical needs and dealing with the consequences of previous physical actions. It would seem at times that Saturn is the nemesis of the human race. For, if there is going to be productive or useful growth (Jupiter) there must be a time of pause, and consolidation—a time of restraint, a time of testing. Since all life as we know it is subject to this pulse of expansion, contraction, then the indicator of the times of contraction—Saturn—becomes a very important planet in the astrologer’s toolbox.

    Thus whether it is giving or receiving, in predictive work, it is always strongly felt. When Saturn is making a contact to the personal planets, it suggests periods of having to accept the consequences of one’s actions. In its interaction with the outer planets, Saturn produces landmarks in the map of a person’s life, showing the times and ways that the individual will struggle against the weight of the physical world and its needs in the search for awareness.

    When people are young (pre-Saturn return), Saturn contacts are usually experienced as limiting and restricting, even possibly intimidating. The Saturnian figures, symbolically father, the law, teacher, or boss, come to the surface during the contact to enable the person to be exposed to restrictions in order to learn lessons of responsibility and containment. These same contacts may yield welcome increases in responsibility (job promotion) or stability in the life for a mature individual.

    Whatever the stage in life, a Saturn transit will have a common theme of work, hard work. Under a Saturn contact, a person is held to account, for better or for worse. The following is a guideline to the transits of Saturn:
    • Saturn-Sun: increase of responsibility or being “under the thumb”.
    • Saturn-Moon: loneliness, isolation, feeling unsupported; needing to consolidate resources.
    • Saturn-Mercury: serious decisions, burdensome paperwork, study.
    • Saturn-Venus: making or breaking commitments in relationships; restrictions upon financial affairs.
    • Saturn-Mars: arthritis, physical restraint, physical injury, being exhausted, hard labor.
    • Saturn-Jupiter: controlled expansion.
    • Saturn-Saturn: major life phase cycle.
    • Saturn-Uranus: frustration, slow progress in achieving new goals. Doing something which is ground breaking.
    • Saturn-Neptune: illness, tiredness, depletion of resources, despair, to be without hope. This is the major signifier of health problems in predictive astrology.
    • Saturn-Pluto: blocked energy leading to outbursts that could be violent; melancholy, darkness of feelings; being in a “black hole”.
    • Saturn-North Node: taking responsibility with a group; taking on a fated commitment which is part of the life journey.
    • Saturn-South Node: increase in responsibilities to do with family or “tribe”; fated, karmic bonds are changed in such a way that the person has to carry a greater load.
    • Saturn-Ascendant: taking on greater responsibilities; being seen as capable of handling authority; given authority.
    • Saturn-Descendant: reviewing and changing commitments in relationships, either business or personal. Being realistic about the nature of a relationship or business partnership.
    • Saturn-MC: greater responsibility in the career; being seen to stand on one’s own feet.
    • Saturn-IC: family commitments which tie a person to the home; possible problems with the father figure.
    • Saturn-Vertex/Anti-vertex: encountering authority figures, or encountering a long-awaited responsibility.

    The Outer Planets

    The three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) tend to belong more to the collective rather than to the individual. Particularly with transits, they take on a generational flavor. For example, natal Neptune receiving a conjunction from transiting Pluto will be occurring to everybody born within a twelve-month period. Everyone may have the transit but few would be aware of it. Even a Mars transit squaring natal Pluto will be affecting your generation. Watch for the expression of the energy in the world of fashion, on the nightly news, or in the papers, but don’t look for it in an individual’s chart unless that individual is a world leader in fashion or politics, and so on.

    However, when the outer planets form relationships to the inner natal planets, they all challenge, in some manner, the Saturn structure that exists in that area of the person’s life.

    Saturn and Jupiter can be seen as a harbor mouth; inside the harbor, we can control the sea, break waters, piers, docks, and so on. However, beyond the harbor the ship is exposed to the uncontrollable open sea. Jupiter beckons us out of the harbor, Saturn tells us to be well-prepared for the journey, and Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are the open sea—the collective. No matter how well prepared the vessel, events can and will occur.

    • Key Principle: fast unexpected change; a turnaround, an awakening. Freedom. The sudden storm at sea.
    • Rate of travel through the zodiac: about 4° per year.
    • Time to travel through a chart: about 84 years.
    • Use in predictive work: generally used for its ability to make transits and receive progressions.
    • Figures: any person who is considered to be unconventional, independent, chaotic, eccentric, or rebellious. In addition the exciting person, the person who brings change. Intellectual and or non-committed.

    Uranus is about change, unexpected, seemingly without pattern. The desire to break patterns of responsibility. Not necessarily to be free of the responsibility but rather just to be free. The wild card, electric, weird, fast, non-emotional, life-in-the-fast-lane. The energy of this planet is chaos. This may be welcomed, or may be feared. Spontaneous change by way of a general non-emotional reaction, because the individual does not have the luxury of time between events to brood or ponder. A ship in a storm does not have time to meditate on the problem.

    When Saturn has our life firmly in its grasp via order, routine, habits, and life style, Uranus will come thundering into our world, to alter, change, or confront us with the vulnerability of our “nice safe secure systems”.

    The energy of Uranus seems to radiate out of a person when it is strongly transiting a chart. Light bulbs can pop, electrical failures and computer hiccups seem to trail behind us like unwanted guests! The following are simple guidelines to the types of expressions of Uranus in transit.
    • Uranus-Sun: the sudden desire for freedom and re-classification of the self.
    • Uranus-Moon: release from personal emotions; events happening so fast that the person does not have time to emotionally react; freedom from emotions. Release from the conventional view of mother/child.
    • Uranus-Mercury: sudden ideas, changes in speech, encountering a foreign language, new books, and so on.
    • Uranus-Venus: changes to socializing patterns; falling in or out of love; changes in financial situation.
    • Uranus-Mars: haste, accidents, anger, sexual energy, passion.
    • Uranus-Jupiter: when we have transiting Uranus conjunct transiting Jupiter the community expresses explosive energy— brushfires and the like. On the personal level, this combination can be exciting but not too life-changing.
    • Uranus-Saturn: see Saturn.
    • Uranus-Uranus: "re-evaluation of life" cycle.
    • Uranus-Neptune: very little manifestation on the personal level; signifies inspiration, change for the better, a flash of enlightenment on the collective generational level. A hopeless case with no apparent solution can become resolved.
    • Uranus-Pluto: another generational transit that may have little effect on the individual.
    • Uranus-North Node: sudden encounters with groups or people that expand our world, bringing changes that redirect us on our life path.
    • Uranus-South Node: changing the “tribal” structure; an old issue can surface and be cleared.
    • Uranus-Ascendant: sudden changes to the person’s life; immense drive for change/freedom; change of name, changes to the physical body.
    • Uranus-Descendant: rapid change to relationship patterns: new type or style of relationship, sudden forming or breaking of a relationship; an awaking to one’s true needs in relationship.
    • Uranus-MC: sudden change of job or career, changes to social status, for better or for worse.
    • Uranus-IC: changes in the family or where the person is living; changes to the physical home.
    • Uranus-Vertex/Antivertex: encountering people who instigate change; this change can be welcomed or feared.
    • Key Principle: loss, confusion, the world dissolving, boundaries disappearing. Lost at sea.
    • Rate of movement through the zodiac: about 1° to 2° per year.
    • Time to travel through a chart: about 165 years.
    • Use in predictive work: generally for its ability to make transits and receive progressions.
    • Figures: the grandmother, the wise old women. The victim or martyr. The visionary or spiritual.

      The first sign of a Neptune contact is a sense of loss, despair, hopelessness, or confusion. Many people instinctively use this as a time to travel, a time to live on the surface of cultures, to escape from their own world and drift through someone else’s. For others, there can be times of indecision instead of decisiveness, confusion and dreams instead of clarity and logic. This may or may not be a difficult experience.
      The dream world can become more vivid and intuition is highly tuned. This is a time when the boundaries of Saturn are once again challenged, not by the frontal attack of Uranus but rather by slow erosion. The structure crumbles—not because of weakness but because of a massive failure of the foundation.
      Methods of coping (Saturn) no longer work, people are Usually faced, in this time, with inactivity. They can take no action to solve their problem, they must wait for the problem to dissolve.
      The following are some guidelines to the transits of Neptune:
    • Neptune-Sun: confusion about one’s role in the world; desire to escape, travel, or recluse while one reconsiders—possibly on an unconscious level—the way in which one exists in the world.
    • Neptune-Moon: a visionary, drug-sensitive, spiritual time where the individual experiences the dissolving of emotional responses. Time out from the world to unconsciously reorganize one’s emotional reality.
    • Neptune-Mercury: awaking to the metaphysical. Art, poetry, spiritual ideas. Daydreaming. Inability to carry on with study, loss of paper work, disconnecting from the world of paper work, and so on. Being deceived.
    • Neptune-Venus: illusions in love relationships; romantic love which may be wonderful or may leave the individual to deal with cold realities after the contact has finished. Confusion in financial matters; being conned.
    • Neptune-Mars: loss of motivating energy; energy draining away; loss of libido. Normal focus energy becoming unfocused.
    • Neptune-Jupiter: idealism, seeking the guru that has the answer to everything.
    • Neptune-Saturn: see Saturn.
    • Neptune-Uranus: see Uranus.
    • Neptune-Neptune: questioning spiritual beliefs.
    • Neptune-Pluto: a large generational combination which should not be delineated on a personal level, as a few million other people will be having the same combination at the same time. Look for this transit’s expression via the media.
    • Neptune-North Node: finding one’s spiritual path, finding a group or “tribe” with a basis in the arts; healing; drug abuse; the metaphysical which propels one into a new life direction.
    • Neptune-South Node: loss in the “tribe” of an old wise woman; a restructuring within the tribe of the spiritual leader, or the visionary one in the family; meeting a person from the past with whom you feel a spiritual connection.
    • Neptune-Ascendant: dissolving the image that a person presents to the world; change of personality, as seen from outside. These changes can be catalyzed by despair, or through the escapism of travel.
    • Neptune-Descendant: dissolving relationships. Loss, being separated from one’s parents when young; new type of relationship needs surfacing in the individual.
    • Neptune-MC: letting go of a career drive; loss of social status, redirecting social status into a more Neptunian field. When young, it can also imply the loss of a parent or grandmother.
    • Neptune-IC: confusion about one’s role in the family. Moving from the home in a way that brings loss of family, relatives, or close friends, i.e., moving to another country, moving from the city to the country, or vice versa. Also, events concerning the grandmother’s role in the family.
    • Neptune-Vertex/Antivertex: encountering a spiritual, creative, healing, or victim-type of person who repels or attracts you.

    • Key Principle: transformation via the catalyst of deep emotional reactions. A storm in the harbor.
    • Rate of movement through the zodiac: about 10° per year.
    • Time to travel through a chart: about 248 years.
    • Use in predictive work: for its ability to make transits to a chart and receive progressions.
    • Figures: mother-figures, loved ones, family members. People connected with death and dying.
    Pluto contacts carry the flavor of instinctive emotions such as grief, lust, protection of loved ones, and so on. These contacts are the instruments the Cosmos uses for changing the redundant patterns that Saturn has set up in your life. Feeling is the essence of the contact. Change will come about via intense feelings that cannot be rationalized away or forgotten. Pluto contacts are big. They bring into the life the gut-gnawing emotions that we know only time will resolve. It is the storm in the harbor. That which was safe, home, or inner is violated, torn down, pulled apart. The harbor has to be rebuilt. 

    At rare times the transit can also bring in unexpected success if the person is dealing with groups of people. However, there will still be emotionally churning events in the private life. The following are just simple guidelines for the effects of dynamic Pluto on a chart:
    • Pluto-Sun: a threat to the sense of self; life-challenging.
    • Pluto-Moon: emotional distress; issues with mother or mothering; issues with groups of women; stress on the emotional bonds that bind lovers/family together.
    • Pluto-Mercury: obsession with an idea; tunnel vision; putting all your energy into a project.
    • Pluto-Venus: intense, fated connections with an intimate relationship; forming a relationship which is “bigger then the two of you”. The sudden and emotionally-packed ending of a relationship. Matters involving large sums of money.
    • Pluto-Mars: anger and possibly violence; great physical exertion; large projects that take a great deal of energy.
    • Pluto-Jupiter: desire for greater power, a greater field of influence. This combination, however, is often not that conscious and would be considered secondary to other major contracts.
    • Pluto-Saturn: see Saturn.
    • Pluto-Uranus: see Uranus.
    • Pluto-Neptune: see Neptune.
    • Pluto-Pluto: reassess emotional involvements.
    • Pluto-North Node: Meeting a group with which you feel karmically connected.
    • Pluto-South Node: intense emotional changes to your family or tribe; meeting something or someone from your past that strongly affects you.
    • Pluto-Ascendant: change, by emotional events, to the personality of the person. The body, the name, the way in which you present yourself to the world can all be altered via a turbulent emotional period.
    • Pluto-Descendant: emotional restructuring of personal or business relationships; emotionally- charged court cases. When young, this transit can also be a change to the parent’s relationship.
    • Pluto-MC: the dramatic rearranging of career or social status. The sudden claim to fame, or the emotional shock of an unwanted redefinition.
    • Pluto-IC: Strong emotional events concerning home and family; issues with mother figure; changing of the tribe by birth or death; moving the home in such a way that there is no going back.
    • Pluto-Vertex/Antivertex: Encountering an individual or place with whom you feel a deep karmic bond.

    North Node
    • Key Principle: groups, associations, that which the individual is trying to achieve in life.
    • Rate of movement through the zodiac: about 20° per year retrograde.
    • Time to travel through a chart: about 18 years.
    • Use in predictive work: in the receiving of transits and progressions.
    • Figures: The Dragon’s head or Caput Draconis is named after the concept of a giant celestial dragon who swallowed the Sun and the Moon during an eclipse.

      The nodal axis is entangled with events or people that seem fated. The North Node represents events placed in your future revealed by the passage of transits or progressions. The South Node represents events from your past—not just the past of this conscious life but also the past of your collective memories. The Hindus would say that the Nodes are the Dharma of life, the “truth” of life, the true meaning and pathway of life.

      So the North Node is perceived as new things, new groups of people, new friends that have an impact on the individual, the making of memories which will later be held as important. In addition, the individual can become conscious of a required change to the life path as this point receives a transit or progression.

      South Node

    • Key Principle: the past, family, inherited material.
    • Rate of movement through the zodiac: the same as the North Node.
    • Figures: The Dragon’s Tail or Cauda Draconis are other names for the South Node.
    Since the North and South Nodes form an axis, progressions and transits to the South Node will also be occurring to the North Node. When a planet makes a conjunction to this point, better results are achieved if it is read as conjunction to the South Node rather than an opposition to the North Node.
    Issues come from old family history, or things from the past. The past seems to swamp the present, old illness could flare up, friends one has not seen for twenty years suddenly appear. Lost or forgotten photos, paperwork, people, and illness can all come to the surface as this point receives a conjunction from a dynamic planet. Déjà vu experiences, meeting of strangers that you feel you have “known before,” can also take place.

    Description of the 12 houses

    A description of each house, per natal placement or per transiting planet:
    by Segulrelha

    House 1: a new promise is delivered, new begginings, there is a much more of an independent and self-assertive attitude, willing to go forward and take risks. There is a redefinition of the the Self and your approach to life.

    House 2: we own very much not only resources such as money, but also our values, our talents, our body and all the "I". the challenge of this house is to learn how to use these resources and manifest them in physical world. This is also a house of relaxing into the moment, of finding inner peace and stability.

    House 3: we experiment the limits of ourselves by living on the field of everyday experience, first by trial and error, then by use of our inteliggence. Often, it starts with scattered ideas about ourselves, but then the ideas go deeper near the cusp of the following house. We are limited and influenced by our surrounding circunstances and siblings.

    House 4: we have experienced much emotions, ideas, traumas, change. We have learnt. Now we are free to choose, to go "home" to the core of our being, where energy radiates perfectly in every direction. There, we seek to find our inner roots, foundations, our house and family, our sense of residence and well-being. Initially, we may feel not good, but then we progress to find inner peace and much insight, a sort of inner revolution.

    House 5: here we have the full release of our emotions, and our core being, into self-expression. We seek emotional expression such as drama, pleasure, romance or excitement. The individual can now use the raw energy of what we possesses.

    House 6: we became aware of our failures and our crises. We test the utility and functionality of that which we live (be it work, our routie, health or relationships). We seek to perfect ourselves and be more useful. The individual seeks to improve his techniques and to gain a new orientation toward other people and the way of working with other people.

    House 7: the field of experience that by being able to relate to others, an individual can reveal and demonstrates his true self in relationship to himself and to others: the basic purpose of existence. We balance ourselves to the expression outwards to the world. We achieve decisions about our direction.

    House 8: This is the business of living in the world. For most people, this is a mainly unconscious process. However, it means an intense dig up on human emotions. In the deep interactions with the others, in our social and intimate relationships, there is a struggle to conform to social standards, to biological impulses, and the urge to reform several of those aspects as we confront many darkers aspects of ourselves. In the process, there is death and transformation, the rebirth of the invidivual within the group. In this house, we learn the solve the solution of the problem of living and relating to society and others.

    House 9. Expansion is a natural process. The individual has grown to become aware of what he is, his desires, his failures, the required improvements, his relationship in the world and the business of living in the world. He now, becomes a social entity. In this house, we learn the lessons derived from our previous experience of living the business of society. And similarly to third house, we now learn the field of experience of our social environment of many associations. We learn from the ever increasing activity of humans, the variety of human knowledge and cultures.

    House 10. As a child, the individual is guided, ruled and provided by his parents. As an adult, the individual is expected to reverse his role and contribute. Our purpose in the light of the society, or family. The lesson here is to balance our compromises and reach our top goals.

    House 11. We have recently struggled to achieve. But achievement is a pedestal, how to do next with what happened before (success or failure), is our main challenge. We seek to reform our failures, but either adopting a superior and rebel attitude and facing social isolation, by becoming a revolutionary and a reformer, or by integrating our success with our peers, and local groups. In angular house the invididual comes to experience himself, in succedent houses he meets his greatest tests: the invididual here decides what to do with his own experiences. This is a house of potencial group activity and idealism, social difference or social alienation.

    House 12. The achievements are made in tenth house, but here the seed is consummated. The individual here shall bring an end of all things, while filling the space for creative new beginnings! The closing act may bring you with face with some isolation and emotional upheavel as you close a cycle, and confront your past karma and events, but you can also find a closing inner peace and communion with the universe and nature.

    Saturday 6 November 2010

    Transit Astrology

    Many of us read our daily horoscopes out of curiosity and interest, but there is so much more than Sun sign astrology. Unless you know your rising sign, however, you may find that this short forecast often does not fit for you and even if you do relate to it, it is still very generalized. The daily horoscope may track the moon or other planets through the different houses according to what sign is on the Ascendant, but it does not take into account your own individualized wheel. The sizes of your own houses may vary and some may be intercepted, making them wider than others, thus, it will take longer for the planets to complete their transits through those houses. Consideration also needs to be given to how frequently and for what length of time planets are in retrograde motion. More importantly, it is necessary to know the placement of your natal planets in order to interpret how these transiting planets are interacting with them, one of the biggest determining factors in the timing of events.

    The following are descriptions of the general effects of the planetary transits. It is necessary to note the nature of the planet or house being transited along with the effect of the aspect for a more complete picture.

    A Sun transit only lasts for a week, at the most, as the Sun moves about one degree a day. Sun transits have an effect on health, energy and willpower. You will be more creative and active. You may express yourself more openly according to the natal planet, sign and house being transited.

    A Moon transit lasts only for three or four hours at the most. It effects mainly moods and feelings, not always consciously and these emotional changes should be judged according to the planet, sign and house being transited.

    A Mercury transit only lasts a day or two. Mercury transits affect the mind and movement. So often, you want to travel, write letters, e-mail, make phone calls and generally communicate with others. A Mercury transit may also stimulate you to make many local errands.

    A Venus transit can last for a few days at the most and can indicate enjoyment in your social life and feelings of love. You may want to beautify your home or self, and you may desire more entertainment than usual. You may attract people and things to you so this is the time to find new friends and lovers, or look for a better job or home. Venus can also bring out your pleasant side and you may feel more attractive than usual, and this Venus transit would be a superb time to schedule beauty regimens and appointments. Sometimes the energy plays out by receiving gifts or money.

    A Mars transit can last about a week. Mars transits energize the areas of life related to the natal planet being effected. One can be more energetic and be able to work harder than usual. But Mars can also promote tension and anger. So plan to keep busy during a Mars transit so you can have an outlet for this excessive energy. One should also watch their temper during a Mars transit as well as take extra precautions against rushing and accidents.

    As an astrologer, I pay particular attention to the transits of the outer planets. Being farthest from the Earth, their movement is slower and therefore, their influence is felt for longer periods of time. Jupiter takes approximately 12 years to make a complete cycle around your wheel, spending about one year in each house. It is the largest planet, so it is known for growth and expansion of whatever area it influences. It is generally believed to have a beneficial effect, as long as a person does not go to excess. It usually makes life a little easier for us and helps us obtain our desires.

    Saturn, with its beautiful rings, presents a much more difficult and challenging energy and makes us face reality. Its transit is extremely important to follow in your chart and the familiar term “7 year itch” refers to the four major aspects it makes during its 28 year cycle. The house it is transiting through identifies an area of your life that is being tested and one in which you may experience great tension. Undoubtedly, Saturn is trying to teach us something and there are certain lessons to learn. Saturn can add structure to that particular area or it might bring losses, but generally there is a need to go. It is not uncommon to experience a heaviness or sadness, depending upon the planet being affected.

    Uranus has an 84 year cycle and its opposition aspect at age 42 is referred to as the “mid-life crisis”. With Uranus, the expression “expect the unexpected” fits best. Sudden, unusual events will occur, and may be either exciting or upsetting, depending upon our response. The house Uranus transits through will indicate an area of your life which needs change. The Uranian transit definitely yanks us out of our old ruts and routines.

    Neptune’s speed is about half as fast as Uranus at 165 years, and will only travel about halfway around your chart. Neptune, the planet of inspiration and illusion, dissolves our sense of reality and makes us more idealistic. We may believe things which are untrue. Matters of the house Neptune is transiting may become confusing or unclear, so it is not a good influence to make decisions or permanent commitments related to that area of your life. If you are not on the spiritual track, sometimes a Neptunian transit can be quite confusing.

    Pluto is the slowest moving of the planets, with a 250 year cycle. It will probably only touch one quadrant of your chart. Pluto’s influence is strong, powerful and brings about major transformation to whatever house, or area of your life, is effected. Changes are inevitable, gradual and characterized by a tearing down of structures before new ones can be rebuilt. Power struggles result. Pluto’s transit can be psychological, but enables us also to clear away old behavior patterns and regenerate ourselves. In other words, Pluto’s energy can play out either internally or in the external world. Some think that Pluto transits can be hell. They can definitely be empowering.

    Astrology is a very complex science. There is much to consider when forecasting events. In addition to following the transits of the planets through the houses, even more information can be found by understanding the angular relationships between the transiting and natal planets. Therefore, full interpretation of your chart is important to know trends and cycles coming up for you.

    If one is experiencing a negative transit, remember…”this too shall pass”. Nothing ever stays the same.