Sunday 8 November 2020

Align with your Higher Self and Highest Path


What is Esoteric Astrology and How to use it to Align with your Higher Self and Highest Path

Like everything else in this Universe, traditional astrology and esoteric astrology are connected.

Traditional astrology focuses on the personality or ego development which is based on your sun, moon, and rising sign.

Once we are born we create a natal chart which is a snapshot of the planets’ placements and aspects within the 12 houses that are ruled by each zodiac. Each house represents an aspect of our life and each zodiac sign reveals the archetype of that house and the planets placed in each house influences the energy depending on the aspects.

Related Post: How to Read a Natal Chart (and Discover the Soul Plan you Agreed to Before You Were Born)

Traditional astrology helps us understand the personality/ego’s relationship to these different areas of life although most of these relationships are based on indoctrination.

Once one has a spiritual awakening and realizes that they are more than just their personality/ego but a spiritual being having a temporary human experience then one can use traditional astrology to understand and integrate the personality/ego to be a tool for its higher self-expression.

Now that one’s interest has shifted from living for the personality/ego to a life guided by its higher self/soul then one can utilize esoteric astrology. 

Traditional astrology focuses on how the outer reality affects the personality/ego whereas esoteric astrology focuses on how the higher self/soul affects the outer reality.

Esoteric astrology is similar to traditional astrology in that it utilizes the zodiac signshouses, and planets however the difference lies in the interpretations.


Esoteric astrology focuses on the soul’s development which is revealed through a higher understanding of the sun, moon, and rising sign.

In esoteric astrology, your ascendent sign represents what your soul’s intention is for this incarnation whereas your sun and moon sign represents how the soul or higher self will fulfill that intention.

Esoteric astrology believes that the purpose of the sun and moon sign (personality/ego) is to be a conduit for the ascendant sign (soul/higher self).

In esoteric astrology, the natal chart can be seen as a person’s soul plan revealing their soul purpose and their soul lessons depending on the placements of the zodiac signs and planets in the houses as well as their aspects.

This blog post was written to introduce you to esoteric astrology. The vastness of esoteric astrology cannot be explained in a single blog post. If you desire to learn more about esoteric astrology I encourage you to check out the following books:

as well as my other blog post:

esoteric astrology, spiritual awakening, higher consciousness

How can esoteric astrology help me align with my higher self and highest path?

I believe that esoteric astrology is a wonderful tool for those who have had a spiritual awakening and would like guidance on what their soul purpose is and how to manifest their soul purpose into a life purpose.

Related: What is a Soul Purpose and How Do Your Discover it

Your natal chart is essentially an overview of the soul plan you co-create with your spirit guides and angels before you incarnated on Earth that contains your soul purpose as well as your soul lessons.

Esoteric Astrology and Human Development


Everything in the physical world have developed in accordance with the planets of the Solar System, and the field of the Sun, the Zodiac, as their corresponding powers were the ruling force behind the development up through the history of the solar system. I try to show the connection between astrology, esotericism and the physical world within various areas.

Astrology stand in many ways isolated from the esoteric and spiritual traditions, here I try to show its connection to the religious and esoteric traditions. Steiner have told about astrology from a number of different views, like the World Outlooks, the Calendar of the Soul, the Senses and the Animal Development and I use this as the central point from where I connect other spiritual and religious traditions.


Saturday 12 September 2020

Revised Rulership in Astrology


1. From homeopathy to astrology

I’m a medical doctor and classical homeopath since almost forty years and although I do not practice astrology professionally I have been interested very young, since I was reading my first book at the age of 13.

In 2000, I (with my wife Bernadette) conducted intensive researches connecting enneagram and homeopathy in order to improve homeopathic remedies diagnosis.

The Enneagram is a system of reading the personality in nine types. However, the global structure of the Enneagram was quite thin at that time, in any case too limited to be able to help me in my homeopathic practice.



I had to deepen the knowledge and as the Enneagram is not a “traditional” science as is astrology, it was necessary to somehow fend for oneself.

My method has been to compare Enneagram to other traditional sciences such as traditional Chinese, Indian and Tibetan medicine and many others traditions like astrology and also modern typologies like Jung’s.

These comparisons have enabled us to illuminate the enneagram and give it a new consistency allowing it to be applied in my homeopathic medical practice.

So in front of each patient I currently use the revised Enneagram to carry a diagnosis of constitution (1 to 9). For each constitution, I discovered certain categories of homeopathic remedies. This allowed me to increase my results in impressive proportions (validating my research retrospectively). The more my knowledge of enneagram types grow, the better the therapeutic outcomes are.

I have recently come to deepen the astrological symbolism into the enneagram. This brought me to review the astrological model in full. It is this research that I propose you to discover here.

In approaching the astrological system, we have two great choices: to adopt the Hellenistic system remaining with the 7 traditional planets or the modern system that integrates Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, bringing the system to 10 planets. As I am a researcher by passion it would have been impossible for me to ignore the three trans saturnian planets.

However, 10 planets for 12 signs is quite odd on a symbolical level. Moreover, the attribution of the new zodiacal rulerships did not respect in my opinion the inner logic of the Hellenistic system, which increases my dissatisfaction, but also stimulated my research and scientific streak.

The discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto aroused a breath of creative air among astrologers, and the zodiacal rulerships attributions were quickly debated. The main attributions were :  Uranus in Aquarius, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Scorpio. If the first two were unanimously accepted, Pluto’s rulership is always debated mainly between Scorpio and Aries, and we will see why.

What I propose in this article is:

  • An attempt to (re) place the trans saturnian planets in the signs, in a new perspective that respects the rationale of the initial Hellenistic model.
  • A proposition of adding two more planets bringing the new system to 12 planets.


2. The traditional system of planetary rulership

Traditionally in Hellenistic astrology each of the 7 traditional planets have rulerships on some zodiac signs, this is called the domiciliation system.

The Zodiac cycle


In the zodiacal cycle, the signs alternate by so-called positive and negative polarities that one goes in this article for sake of clarity naming Yang and Yin. Indeed, the words “positive “and “negative” too often evoke in our mind the good and the bad.

Yang signs have characteristics specific to light, activity, dynamism or heat. Yin signs have characteristics peculiar to night, rest, passivity or cold.

The Chaldean Order

The Chaldeans had established a system of logical control by establishing a horizontal symmetry determining six bands:

  1. Cancer-Leo
  2. Gemini-Virgo
  3. Taurus-Libra
  4. Aries – Scorpio
  5. Pisces-Sagittarius
  6. Aquarius-Capricorn

In this perspective, they assigned to the first band the two luminaries, the Yang Leo sign for the sun and the Yin Cancer sign for the moon.

Then from the fastest to the slowest planet each governs a band: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

One will notice that each planet  rules a positive/Yang and negative/Yin sign (beside the sun and the moon).



Hellenistic astrologers said that a planet was in diurnal rulership in a Yang (positive) sign and nocturnal rulership in a Yin (negative) sign. This means that according to the polarity of the sign, the planet acquires a daytime or nocturnal quality. Thus, Mercury in diurnal rulership in Gemini is an extroverted Mercury whose thought borrows ideas to a very large extent in the outside, i.e. transmitted by tradition, education and instruction and its interest is more particularly focused towards concrete objects and the success of its objectives.

While in the nocturnal rulership in Virgo there is a more introverted Mercury whose thought arises from the subjective background. It seeks to deepen and not to widen. But the expression of his ideas and their confrontation with each other can be a source of anxiety. His style is heavier with doubts and scruples.

So we see that the double rulership of each planet in yin and yang signs allows a very interesting and meaningful characterization.

The double rulership


As this double rulership is the fundamental point to integrate to understand where it is going next, we need to deepen it a little.

When the sign is Yang this means that it has predominantly qualities of light, expansion, action, movement, heat, and extraversion. When it is Yin it has predominantly qualities of darkness, contraction, passivity, immobility, coldness, introversion.

However, according to the universal principle of the Tao, nothing exists by itself and everything manifests solely in dependence on its opposite, so the light exists only in relation to the shadow. So the Yang quality of a sign exists only in dependence of its Yin quality. In other words, each sign has Yin qualities and Yang qualities.

However, in the Yang sign the Yang aspect is predominant and conscious (persona) and the Yin aspect is less present and repressed in the unconscious (the shadow). Conversely for the Yin sign.

Persona is what we see, the apparent part of our being, what we show socially to others and that we also show ourselves to oneself, as the King reigns in his castle. However, in the shallows of the castle there are prisoners in the jails. And this represents all our parts in suffering that are repressed in what we can call our shadow. That’s the unconscious part of the sign.

To remember: in a sign, when the conscious is Yin, the unconscious is Yang, and vice versa.


In the example shown on the drawing:

  1. In the positive sign of Aquarius, Saturn is the diurnal ruler, it reigns over the conscious Yang/extrovert part of the sign.
  2. In the negative sign of Capricorn, Saturn is the nocturnal ruler, it reigns over the unconscious Yang/extrovert part of the sign.

We see that in both cases Saturn (which is a visible planet therefore Yang) presents an affinity for the Yang part of the sign: the conscious for Aquarius and the unconscious for Capricorn.

This means in this case that the diurnal Saturn of Aquarius has a concrete common sense (Saturn) that it puts at the service of an ideal (air sign) transmitted by a culture or tradition (extraversion).

Capricorn’s nocturnal Saturn is pushed back into the unconscious, which means it is active in another way. The common sense of the repressed Saturn becomes fixed ideas. As Capricorn is Yin/introverted, the unconscious is extroverted, meaning that the relationship to the object becomes a source of anxiety (instead in the case of Aquarius to be a positive source of investment).  As Capricorn is a sign of Earth the orientation of the subject is centered on material and concrete objects.

To synthesize, Capricorn’s nocturnal Saturn has a tendency towards fixed ideas and obsessions with external and concrete elements (e.g. an obsession of lacking money money).



Understanding dual domicile

How to understand this duality, what does it mean?

” Mars which has its diurnal home in Aries and its nocturnal home in Scorpio is for the Mars of Scorpio a Mars of resistance, a Mars of reaction, and for the Mars of Aries, a Mars of action.” (Jean Carteret, Dignities and Debility). So in Aries, Mars is visible. In Scorpio, Mars is repressed.  The individual Aries is identified with the archetype Mars an active and superficial energy that quickly depletes, the individual Scorpio presents a pent-up aggressiveness that manifests itself in a devious and indirect way.

This double rulership of a planet represents the foundation of the theory of rulership in Astrology.

What the Ancients did not know was that there were planets beyond Saturn.

That’s what we’re going to see.

3. The new planetary rulerships


With the arrival of the trans Saturnian planets (1781 Uranus, 1846 Neptune, 1930 Pluto), modern astrologers faced a challenge: to define new zodiacal rulerships.

Overall what can be said is that these attributions were not a long quiet river and that the opinions diverged for long enough to finally stabilize for Uranus and Neptune (although some are not convinced for Uranus) but on the other hand the opinions for Pluto remain divergent.

Astrologers apparently had two arguments for placing Uranus in Aquarius. On the one hand, this (seems to) follow a logical order, that of Chaldean domiciles.

A British astrologer (Sepharial 1864 – 1929) was the first astrologer known to have “assigned” Uranus to Aquarius and Neptune to Pisces. His reasoning was as follows: “If we look at the planets, in the Chaldean order, mercury governs Virgo, then Venus Libra, Mars Scorpio, Jupiter Sagittarius and Saturn Capricorn. The next planet if we follow this order must be Uranus in Aquarius and Neptune in Pisces.”

This reasoning, moreover, could just as well be applied counterclockwise, which would put Uranus in Capricorn, Neptune in Sagittarius and Pluto in Scorpio.

On the other hand, the social (revolutionary) context that coincided with the discovery of Uranus was inclined to associate it with Aquarius.

It made sense for Neptune to be assigned Pisces, and there was a broad consensus among astrologers.

When Pluto was discovered, there were lively debates that remained unfinished between Scorpio and Aries.

In 1897 a French astrologer Fomalhaut (Father Charles Nicoullaud )in his “Manual of Spherical and Judicial Astrology” attributed Uranus to Capricorn, Saturn to Aquarius, Neptune to Pisces, Jupiter to Sagittarius. He had a prophetic word: “The planet beyond Neptune exists, it is called Pluto….” which he attributed to Aries letting Mars in Scorpio.

  1. E. Thierens, a Dutch astrologer in 1911, spoke of a hypothetical planet that he recognized as Pluto that he assigned to Aries.

In the Veil Of Isis No. 73, January 1926, the famous Eugene Caslant (still a Frenchman) wrote an article “hypothetical planets” in which he announced Pluto and Proserpine without mentioning domiciles. But in the Astrological Almanac, in 1932 P. Genty said: “Uranus is in good celestial condition in the signs of Air, Neptune in the signs of Water, Pluto in the signs of Fire, and Proserpine in the signs of Earth. As for the rulership, Caslant gives them respectively the second half of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus….”. Again Pluto is attributed to Aries and we see that Proserpine is in Taurus.

Llewellyn George in 1930 in his book “How Planets Affect You” gives mythological reasons for attributing Pluto to the Scorpio; Idem the same year, for Frederick Thoresby in “Modern Astrology” magazine and in 1931 for Mabel Baudot (Astrologers’ Quarterly, Vol. V No. 3).

The majority of modern astrologers eventually opted for the Scorpio, but some did keep Aries (for example: Carl Payne Tobey, one of the most influential astrologers in America from 1930 to 1970).

Let us return to the famous logic that attributed Uranus to Aquarius, Neptune to Pisces and Pluto to Scorpio.

It seems that at the time of this discovery the astrologers did not make great case of the theory of the double domicile. Indeed, the logic was rather to assign a single rulership to a sign and gradually abandon the second rulership. Little is said today about the rulership of Mars for the Scorpio, Jupiter for Pisces and Saturn for Aquarius. The general tendency has therefore shifted towards the rulership of a single sign by a single planet without specifying whether it should be his diurnal or nocturnal domicile.

However there are two logical fallacies.

  • The first concerns the Chaldean order and this is the argument put forward by the followers of Pluto in Aries. If we consider that Uranus is indeed ruler of Aquarius and Neptune of Pisces, then necessarily Pluto should be ruler of Aries. If we agree that Pluto is indeed ruler of the Scorpio, then necessarily we must review the mastery of Neptune and/or Saturn.
  • Second : if we take into account the diurnal and nocturnal aspect of the domiciles, we see that Jupiter is let ruler in Sagittarius (his diurnal domicile), Mars in Aries (his diurnal domicile), but Saturn remains ruler in Capricorn his nocturnal home. Again the logic would have wanted to keep either the diurnal or nocturnal domicile for all these three planets and in this case either to leave Saturn in Aquarius, or if Saturn is declared in Capricorn, to leave Jupiter in Pisces and Mars in Scorpio.

So we have a dilemma!


Double rulership of slow planets


If we consider the double rulership as a foundation of the system of domicile in Astrology, it follows that the trans Saturnian planets must necessarily also have a double rulership.

We will see that this allows us to get out of the dilemma.

We propose to still keep the domiciles as bequeathed by the Ancients: for the diurnal domicile Mercury in Gemini, Venus in Libra, Mars in Aries, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Aquarius. For nocturnal domiciles we have Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Taurus, Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Pisces and Saturn in Capricorn.

And we’ll see how to assign a double rulership quite logically and meaningfully to slow planets.


Let’s first look at the geometric aspect

In this representation of the visible planets we observe:

  1. A zigzag line that connects the Yang Signs in the sequence: Lion – Gemini – Libra – Aries – Sagittarius – Aquarius determining the diurnal domiciles.
  2. A zigzag line that connects the Yin signs in the sequence Cancer -Virgin – Taurus – Scorpio – Pisces – Capricorn sequences determining nocturnal domiciles.

If we keep the Ptolemaic logic (Mercury – Venus – Mars – Jupiter – Saturn), we will add in order: Uranus – Neptune – Pluto – Proserpine/Haumea – Bacchus/Makemake (we have added to the system the two dwarf planets Haumea and Makemake that we have renamed Proserpine and Bacchus, see end note).

Since we were in an upward direction for the visible planets, let us continue with the invisible planets in a descending direction and we see that the nocturnal domiciles of the visible planets become the diurnal domiciles of the invisible planets and vice versa.

For diurnal domiciles, after Saturn in Aquarius, we find Uranus in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, Pluto in Scorpio, Proserpine/Haumea in Taurus and Bacchus/Makemake in Virgo.

For nocturnal domiciles, after Saturn in Capricorn, we find Uranus in Aquarius, Neptune in Sagittarius, Pluto in Aries, Proserpine/Haumea in Libra and Bacchus/Makemake in Gemini.

So our results unveil  a system that integrates what modern astrologers had already discovered: Uranus in Aquarius, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Scorpio, but we bring the precision of diurnal and nocturnal domiciles.

So we don’t change anything, we just complete the pieces of the puzzle!


Thus, Aquarius remains the diurnal domicile of Saturn added by Uranus as its nocturnal ruler, Pisces remains the nocturnal domicile of Jupiter, added by Neptune as his diurnal ruler and Capricorn remains the nocturnal domicile of Saturn added by Uranus as his diurnal ruler.


Now let’s see the meaning.

What do we notice in this new rulership proposal?

Slow (invisible) planets take their diurnal rulerships not in yang signs but in Yin signs. Thus Uranus acquires a diurnal rulership in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, Pluto in Scorpio, Proserpine (Haumea) in Taurus and Bacchus (Makemake) in Virgo.

As there is a reversal of meaning (we go from the visible to the invisible), it makes sense that these planets have a diurnal rulership in Yin signs. The Yin is what is invisible or not yet visible, and the trans Saturnian planets govern the invisible. In this sense diurnal rulership means the sign where the power and strength of the planet is magnified. Pluto is magnified in Scorpio and restricted in Aries. It is therefore said that Pluto’s diurnal rulership is Scorpio, and its nocturnal rulership Aries.

End of Part 1.

In Part 2 we will analyze the dialectic Capricorn/Aquarius and Uranus/Saturn by integrating the meaning of new domiciles. In particular, we will return to the symbolism of Uranus from a pure mythological angle. Then we will talk briefly about the two dwarf planets we added (Haumea and Makemake) and the overall logic of the new system.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Esoteric Astrology - Soul Chart report


One of the main motives for including this section was to provide the opportunity for people to learn more about themselves and their purpose and goals for this particular lifetime.

One way to do this is through reading their esoteric/spiritual birth chart report based on the works of master Hilarion as channeled by Maurice B. Cooke. In particular the chart interpretations as set out in the book "Astrology Plus" .

This is one of the most accurate sources of Esoteric Astrological information that we have come across.

Feedback from other people has supported this conclusion.

Being a computer generated report it cannot match an astrologer in putting together all the different pieces of information to form a complete picture of the individual.

One example of this is when two individual planetary interpretations produce opposing indications.
In such cases the best approach is to balance out the two. For example, neither would be as significant in the overall picture as if there was no opposing indications, the two nullifying each other to a certain extent.

Nevertheless the report still manages to capture very well the essence of the personality traits that manifest in the present lifetime, together with the purpose for these as viewed from the higher perspective or soul level.

It explains the lessons that need to be learned from any challenges that the soul has chosen to experience in this lifetime.

You will need to enter your birth details, including birthdate, birthplace and time of birth if known.
If the birthtime is known a more extensive report can be produced. Accurate birth times are usually available from the records department of the hospital in which the birth took place.

The program uses the Porphry house system as recommended by the book.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Soul Timeline


This graph offers a quick view into some of the major cycles and astrological transits we each experience throughout our lives.
The Human experience offers some very specific and accurately predictable time frames that define the coming of ages and personal Rites of Passage through our Life.
It can be a tremendous blessing and offer much support along the path to have this foreknowledge and insight.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Fixed Stars


Here is a list of the most common fixed stars and their interpretation that are used in astrology charts.
The fixed star needs to be within one degree and in conjunction to one of your personal planets to have impact. Also realize that these intense meanings are not to be taken literally, such as for Caput Algol, the fixed star of beheading. If you have Algo on your Venus, for example, then you could be prone to “lose your head” when it comes to love affairs. The 4 Persian Royal Fixed stars used to be at the solstice and equinox points, however due to the precession of the equinox they are now at different positions.

The important fixed stars used in chart interpretation.
The fixed stars degrees are listed for their current degrees.
Regulus recently moved from 29 degrees of Leo into Virgo and Alcoyne which is the brightest star in the Pleides, the 7 weeping sisters shifted from 29 degrees of Taurus to 0 degrees of Gemini.

The most common fixed stars used in astrology chart interpretation.
22° Aries 04: Baten Kaitos: Isolation, depression, accidents, emigration, shipwrecks.
Unfortunate Mars/ Saturn

7° Taurus 53: Hamal: Violence, cruelty, brutality.
Unfortunate Mars/ Saturn

14° Taurus 32: Menkar: Disease, throat trouble, disgrace, ruin, injury from beasts, unjustified enmities; sudden emergence of deep unconscious issues.
Unfortunate Saturn/ Venus

26° Taurus 23: Caput Algol: Losing one’s head over something! Strangulation, beheading, danger to throat and neck, murder, violence, mass catastrophe; the Demon Star; passionate; intense; hysterical.
Very Unfortunate Saturn/ Jupiter

0° Gemini 13: Pleiades : A combination of 7 stars called the weeping sisters of which Alcyone is the brightest. Accidents, blindness, violence, feminine power.
Unfortunate Constellation of 7 stars

0° Gemini 13: Alcyone: Ambition, honor and glory. Trouble with opposite sex. Bereavement; loss; sorrow.
Unfortunate Moon/ Jupiter/ Mars

9° Gemini 59: Aldebaran – A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honors, integrity, popularity, courage, agitation; danger, loss, violent death.
Unfortunate Mars

28° Gemini 47: Polaris- Sickness, trouble, loss, affliction, spiritual powers.
Unfortunate Saturn/ Venus

28° Gemini 58: Betelgeuse- Great fortune and fame, especially military success, but associated with calamities, danger, and violence.
Unfortunate Mars/ Mercury

14° Cancer18: Sirius- Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity. Sirius was worshipped in many cultures; its heliacal rising signaled the peak of summer, the annual flooding of the Nile and the beginning of the ancient Egyptian calendar .
Fortunate Jupiter/ Mars

20° Cancer 27: Castor- Sudden fame or loss, distinction, keen mind, violence, mischief.
Unfortunate Saturn/ Mars/ Venus

23° Cancer26: Pollux- Contemplative speculation, audacity, ruin, disgrace, death, calamity.
Unfortunate Mars/ Moon/ Uranus

0° Virgo 03: Regulus- The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence.
Very Fortunate Mars/ Jupiter

10° Libra 09: Vindemiatrix- Widowhood, (divorce) depression, witch-hunts, mysticism & the occult.
Unfortunate Saturn/ Mercury

24° Libra 03- Spica- Wealth, fame, honor, glamour, the “Fortunate One”.
Very Fortunate Venus/ Mars

24° Libra 27- Arcturus- Inspiration, riches, fame, honor, popularity, benefits through travel, success through work. Very Fortunate Jupiter/ Mars

19° Scorpio- Serpentis- A malefic degree, tragedy, misfortune, the “Accursed Degree”. This degree does not change.
Unfortunate Mars/ Saturn

9° Sagittarius 59- Antares- A Royal Star. The Archangel Oriel, the Watcher of the West. Spirit of adventure, obstinacy, injuries to eyes, honors, sudden loss, stubborn, suspicious, violent, several marriages. .
Fortunate Mars/Jupiter/ Mercury

27° Sagittarius 00: Galactic Centre- A vast Black Hole at the center of our galaxy, discovered 1932; source of energy, motivation, aspiration; alien consciousness; crisis of faith; travel; education; philosophy; spiritual urges; single-minded dedication.
Fortunate Jupiter

15° Capricorn 32: Vega- Luck in politics, artistic talent, fleeting fame, double dealing, generosity, practicality.
Fortunate Venus/ Mercury

2° Aquarius 00: Altair- Sudden but ephemeral fortune, impulsiveness, courage, accidents, astrology, writing. Neutral Mars/ Jupiter

4° Pisces 05: Fomalhaut- A Royal Star. Archangel Gabriel, the Watcher of the South. Congenital birth defects, magic, fame, occult, faith, “Star of Alchemy”.
Fortunate Venus/ Mercury/ Neptune

5° Pisces 32: Deneb Adige- Intelligent, creative, original, naive, astrology, writing, the public.
Fortunate Venus/ Mercury

23° Pisces 42: Markab- Violence, honors and riches, “Star of Sorrow”, literary, legal problems, accidents. Unfortunate Mars/ Mercury/ Venus

29° Pisces 35: Scheat- Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune.
Unfortunate Mars/ Mercury

Monday 30 March 2020

Electional Astrology: Starting a new


Starting a Business or Major Project

Although starting a business of any sort is something that few take lightly, the exact timing of the launch of a business is generally not as well thought-out. In this article, we explore some basic conditions in Astrology that favor viability and profitability of businesses–from sideline businesses to more ambitious undertakings. Timing isn’t everything, but it certainly helps.
See also: Lunar Planning: Good Times for selling, buying, surgery, weddings, and more for the current and upcoming month.
One of the most basic factors to consider when timing the launch of a business (or a major project) is actually very easy to do and doesn’t require too much in terms of astrological knowledge or know-how. This involves paying attention to lunar phases. At first thought, attuning ourselves to nature by observing the cycles of the Moon and applying these cycles to the world of business seems an odd mix.  However, more and more people are turning to the intuitive arts for help. Probably, it has much to do with the knowledge that timing is important. Applying logic to business endeavors is an absolute must, but some times seem to be more “magical” than others.
The first and most basic factor is to begin a business during the waxing period of the Moon–that is, when the Moon is increasing in light, from the New Moon to the Full Moon. This is not to say that a business begun when the Moon is waning is doomed to fail, by all means. However, those businesses begun when the Moon is increasing in light have a better chance of longevity, presuming all things are equal. The inception should not be too close to the New Moon, nor should it be too close to the First Quarter Moon or Full Moon. Ideally, its inception occurs when the Moon applies to a sextile to the Sun or a trine to the Sun. The applying sextile generally occurs about 5 days after the New Moon, and the applying trine generally occurs about 10 days after the New Moon.
The next factors to consider are the Moon’s applying aspects and void periods. This is certainly more technical. Void-of-course Moon periods should be avoided. We have tables for these periods here. Applying trines and/or sextiles of the Moon to Jupiter, Saturn, and/or Venus are very helpful. Applying squares or oppositions to Mars and/or Saturn are ones to avoid.
Projects and businesses launched with Moon sextile or trine Saturn are generally well-conceived, respectable, and stable, but not necessarily “pick me” types or flashy. If the Moon trines Mercury, the head and the heart of the business are in harmony.
Remember that the Moon is in some ways the heart of the business, but the Moon also rules the publicity of the business or project–how well it is received and supported.
Not quite as important, but something that can be factored in, is the sign position of the Moon. Ideally, it’s in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn) for longevity. Of the three, Taurus is more fruitful.
Once we are certain the Moon is “fortified”, we can look at the condition of the other planets. The planet that rules the type of business should be well-positioned.
For illustration purposes, we’ll take a look at January 2006 and apply some of these rules as an example. Let’s presume the business we’re starting is a metaphysical web site. With an internet business, especially an “alternative” one, we should look to Uranus. Because Uranus produces erratic results, we don’t want it to be too strong, but we do want it to form easy aspects. Neptune, which rules many of the healing arts, should also be well-aspected. Again, this is an outer planet that shouldn’t be too strong, as it also rules chaos and confusion.
The best thing to begin with is one of the “givens” (a factor that you want for certain) that is also broad enough to rule out many dates. This will be the waxing phase of the Moon and any day of a New or First Quarter Moon.
In January 2006, we can immediately rule out the following dates:
  • Days of the New Moon, First Quarter Moon, and all waning days (from Full Moon to New Moon): we’ve greyed out these days in the calendar below.
Next, we’ll take a look at the first week of January:
The Moon is void until 7:15 AM on the 1st. At that point it enters Aquarius, which is a good fit for the type of business. The last applying aspect the Moon makes before leaving the sign of Aquarius happens on Jan. 3rd at 6:45 AM, and it is a sextile to Mercury, indicating a favorable outcome. So far so good. However, we see that the Moon forms an opposition to Saturn late night on the 1st, and a square to Mars in the wee hours of the 2nd. The square to Jupiter is also somewhat unfavorable. If the launch is timed for after the Moon’s conjunction to Neptune, but before its sextile to Pluto on the 2nd, we get two favorable aspects of the Moon before changing signs, and we benefit from the Sun’s trine to Mars that is still in orb. This is good, but not fantastic, especially since Mercury will be in the last degree (a critical degree) of Sagittarius at this time.
When the Moon is in Pisces, however, we have much more favorable conditions. If we were to time the launch for the afternoon of the 3rd, the Moon would apply to a conjunction with Uranus, a sextile to Mars, a trine to Jupiter, a sextile to the Sun, (a square to Pluto), and, finally, a sextile to Venus before changing signs to Aries on the 5th. The Sun would be sextile to Jupiter, which is an excellent aspect for any business. Mercury’s semi-square to Neptune is less than favorable, however. Nevertheless, this date is the best we can find so far.
We want to avoid the Moon’s applying square to the Sun altogether, so we are brought to the next chunk of time to consider, when the Moon is in Taurus—–one of the best Moon signs to begin a new business under.
Because the Moon squares Saturn, conjuncts Mars, opposes Jupiter, and squares Neptune on the 8th, we will want to avoid starting anything before these times. If we look to after the square to Neptune, we can look to a time of around 8 pm on the 8th. The Moon will then apply to a trine to the Sun, which is excellent, and a trine to Venus as its last applying aspect before changing signs to Gemini. Mercury will be sextile Uranus, which is excellent for the type of business we are dealing with, but its quincunx to Saturn is less than desirable. Still, this is a good time.
In Gemini, the Moon’s last applying aspect before changing signs is an opposition to Pluto—no good. Let’s skip to the Moon in Cancer. We can also rule this one out, because the last applying aspect of the Moon while in Cancer is an opposition to the Sun on the 14th—the Full Moon. We can safely rule the rest of this week out.
The last 2 days of January that we didn’t rule out above are not illustrated here, but suffice it to say that the first date is too close to the New Moon, and that the last applying aspect of the Moon is a square to Pluto. Again, not good.
We are left with two potential dates and times–one when the Moon was in Pisces and the other when the Moon was in Taurus. An astrologer would go forward and experiment with charts for these periods of time, placing the planets as well as possible into houses and on angles that made the most sense.
An important note: In reality, Venus is retrograde for the entire month of January 2006. As such, the whole month is best to be avoided for launching a major business! The above example is shown to demonstrate the overall technique of electing a date to start a business. We will take a closer look at February 2006, when Venus is direct.
We’ll use the same technique with February 2006–grey out the days of the New Moon, First Quarter Moon, and all the days of the waning Moon (Full Moon to New Moon):
This time around, let’s eliminate the days when Venus is still retrograde and stationing. This leaves us with the 6th through 11th–a rather small window!
We’ve already ruled out the 5th because it’s the day of the First Quarter Moon. We don’t want the Moon square the Sun on the day of our business launch. As far as the 6th goes, we see an exact conjunction between the Sun and Neptune and an exact square between the Sun and Jupiter! We like Mercury sextile Pluto, but the Sun’s challenging aspects won’t work for us. The Moon’s trine to the Sun is generally ideal, but it occurs when it’s too close to the Sun’s exact challenging aspects. Let’s skip forward. On the 8th, Mercury is changing signs. When a planet is in its final degree of a sign, it’s an anaretic degree. Again, we want to avoid this.
The 9th looks a little more favorable. We don’t much like the Moon’s opposition to Venus at 8:40 PM, but its trine to Jupiter at 11:01 PM looks promising. If we were to time a launch in between these two times, preferably closer to 11:00 PM, we would have a chart with the Moon’s applying aspects a trine to Jupiter and a sextile to Mars as the final aspect before the Moon changes signs the next day. The Moon would be in Cancer, the sign it rules. Because our next options involve the Moon’s conjunction to Saturn and then an opposition to Neptune and the Sun the following day, we will have to stop right here. We’ve determined the best day and time of the month, and it’s slim pickings.
When we look more closely at February 9th at about 10 PM, we can see some favorable aspects: Venus is applying to a sextile to Jupiter and these bodies are parallel as well. Venus and Jupiter are also parallel Neptune and Pluto. These are excellent conditions. However, the Sun is still conjunct Neptune and square Jupiter, although separating. The Sun is applying to a square to Mars. Here we have some especially fortuitous conditions, but it’s a mixed bag. A mixed bag is not awful. For example, the Sun’s square to Mars might be considered drive and ambition. We always need some hard aspects to add oomph to our undertaking. However, the Moon inconjunct Sun makes it challenging to elect a time when either of the lights is trine the Ascendant or Midheaven. This is because, for example, if we put the Sun in the fifth house in trine to the Ascendant (at about 10 PM), the Moon will square the Ascendant.
March is a poor month for starting dates, due to Mercury’s three week retrograde and both a lunar and solar eclipse.
For the best times to start a new project in the current week, see This Week in Astrology-Timing with the Moon. See also: Lunar Planning: Good Times for selling, buying, surgery, weddings, and more for the current and upcoming month.