Wednesday 29 September 2021

How to get priority elements from your birth chart to get your basic psychological profile


How many times did you felt overwhelmed when you just opened a new Birth Chart?

An avalanche of pieces of information suddenly comes inside your mind; hundreds of concepts all together, divagations, confusion, and then only one question raises in your head: – “ Where the hell do I have to start?!”  

I’m sure that this is a very familiar situation for you, especially if you are a beginner on Astrology.

Well, today I’m here to erase that feeling of bewilderment forever.

I will give you a method, a modus operandi to follow each time you’ll start the interpretation of a Natal Chart; a logical path which helps you in individualizing and focusing the main pieces of the Chart, those which should be the priority to analyze. 

The issue with this comes because we all have the tendency in wanting the final result and the complete interpretation immediately, but this is a big mistake, especially on Astrology, an art which helps to probe the complicated mosaic of the psyche of a human being. The interpretation of a Birth Chart it’s a job we must do starting from the general to slowly come at the particular.

It’s like drawing. The painter doesn’t try to realize the finished illustration immediately, but he always starts from a sketch which gives to him the idea of the image’s composition, the shapes, the structure, and then he defines that sketch going in details with his pencil, and then he puts the lights and shadows, and then the colors, layer by layer, until he gets the final result, the great picture in all its shine.

Here it is; the interpretation of a Natal Chart works the same way: you need to start drawing a rough psychological profile, which gives you the basic structure of the personality you are analyzing, and then you can go on in refining and perfecting the general view to finally arrive at every single character trait.

You need patience; Astrology needs patience. Hastiness and impatience lead to mistakes, trivial concepts, and superficial interpretations. 

So, here is the method to follow to get the priority elements of the Chart to define the main structure of the psyche of people you are analyzing.

We will do all this step by step and in the right order.

Let’s start.

Step 1 – Check and analyze the Sun.

It seems obvious saying that the first thing to do is checking the Sun’s position in the Natal Chart, but yet, many people skip this fundamental step because: – “Hey, I already know his/her Zodiac Sign!” – this is exactly that kind of hastiness and impatience you don’t need to have during an interpretation.

Even if we think to know everything about it, take the right time to well analyze the Natal Sun and with the right care. That will prevent us from forgetting important pieces about it and it will avoid us from thinking something like: – “Oh! I forgot that the Sun in Aries is in Exaltation! That changes many things…” during the advanced phases of the interpretation, forcing us in overhauling all the job made; that is a wasting of time, and it creates useless confusion that we could easily avoid applying the method perfectly.

So, I repeat, the first thing to do is: Checking and analyzing the Natal Sun

Check if it has some Dignities [Rulership, Exaltation] or some Debilities [Detriment, Fall]

Check the Alchemical Element of the Zodiac Sign where it is placed.

Check the Quality [Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable] of the Zodiac Sign where it is placed.

In this example: Natal Sun is in Aries, Fire, Cardinal and it is Exalted

Those 3 essential data will already give you the base of the personality you are analyzing; above this base, later you can define every successive psychological detail. Remember that the Sun represents the “manifested” part of the character’s person, the “Conscious Thinking”, that’s why it defines the Zodiac Sign in Astrology.

Pay attention; this is exactly one of those moments when you will be tempted in observing other things in the Birth Chart, above all the Astrological House where the Sun is. Don’t do it; that is the kind of impulsive action that leads later in feeling overwhelmed and get lost. 

Remember the golden rule: From general to particular. 

Dignities or Debilities, Element, Quality; they are the only basic data that we need in this phase to draw the basic interpretation of the Natal Sun, all the rest comes later.

Step 2 – Check and analyze the position of the Moon.

Immediately later that we got the basics from the Natal Sun, we go to check the Moon. Pay attention: another “temptation moment”. Many amateurs and beginners above all, after the Sun, go to check the Ascendant [Rising Sign], but this is not the right order.

The Moon has the priority respect to the Ascendant, because, together with the Sun, is one of the two Luminaries; in other words, the Sun and the Moon compose the 2 sides of your essence: the “manifested-side” [Sun], and the “not-manifested side” [Moon] of your psyche. Speaking purely psychologically, they are your Conscious Thinking [Sun] and your Unconscious Thinking [Moon], those that C.G. Jung named “Animus” (Sun) and “Anima” (Moon).

If the Sun represents your rational thinking, your “way to think”, the Moon instead is your irrational thinking, the world of the emotions, your “way to feel”. That’s why after the check of the Sun, the priority is checking the Moon, otherwise, we will have only a half of the basic personality; we will go on only after we checked the situation of the Moon.

The method to follow for the check of the Moon is the same we used for the Sun:

1 – Check the Zodiac Sign where the Moon is positioned, combining the fundamental traits of that sign with the main psychological meanings of the Moon.

2 – Check if the Moon has some Dignity or Debility.

3 – Check in which Alchemical Element the Moon is.

4 – Check in which Quality the Moon is.

In this example: the Moon is in Aquarius, Air, Fixed.

Stop, that’s enough data about the Moon at the moment. As I said for the Sun, leave all the rest for the later phases of the interpretation, especially the Astrological House; I know you are tempted, but I repeat: Resist, or the risk for feel overwhelmed will be high.

At the moment, there is another important step to do first:

Step 3 – Check how the Sun and the Moon match together 

Now that you have the general view of the Sun and the Moon, the 2 Luminaries, it’s time to observe how they match together, so you will have a basic idea about how the 2 parts of your personality integrating each other.

In this phase, leave the Aspects, and focus just on their respective Zodiac Signs, namely, in their respective Elements and Qualities. The alchemical interactions give to us great indications about how 2 Planets match together.

Remember the alchemical dynamics: the Fire Signs and the Air Signs are complementary Signs, as well as the Water Signs and the Earth Signs. So, an example:

If the Sun is in Aries [Fire] and the Moon is in Aquarius [Air], this is a “good” combination, they are complementary so there is a constructive exchange of energies between the Conscious and the Unconscious, and a good inner balance at the personality’s basic.

On the other hand, remember that Air and Earth are opposite Elements, as well as Fire and Water, and their combination is much hard. Another example about this: If the Sun is in Pisces [Water] and the Moon is in Leo [Fire], the rational mind {Sun] and the emotional sphere {Moon] pull on opposite directions or one of them could try in overcoming or preventing the other one , causing discrepancies between thinking and feeling (more about Elemental dynamics in this free guide).

Step 4 – Check the Ascendant (Rising Sign)

Now that you have the basic view of the 2 Luminaries which represents the 2 sides of a human’s essence, it’s time to improve your general psychological interpretation adding another fundamental piece: the Rising Sign [Ascendant], namely, the 1st Astrological House.

If the Sun represents your conscious thinking and the Moon represents your what you feel unconsciously, the Ascendant instead represents the “way” the psyche projects itself toward the external world, it’s your “way to be”, the way your essence acts into the world. It’s something connected to the concept of “character”.

That’s why in Astrology the group: – Sun – Moon – Ascendant – is commonly called “the trinity”, because they are like the 3 foundation pillars of a personality and so of the Birth Chart.

So the 1st Astrological House is a bit an exception in the interpretation method, because, as I said before, the Houses’ analysis is one of the final phases of the Birth Chart’s interpretation, just after the Planets’ analysis and the Aspects’ analysis.

The 1st House [Ascendant] is the only one we will observe in this preliminary phase, because is a landmark of the whole psychological system of a person. It’s enough to remember that the Ascendant is the House of the Individuality, the House of the instincts, of the innate characteristics; the ancient masters called it “Hōroscopion”, from which derives the modern word: “horoscope”, that we vulgarly know today as the entire system of the astrological prediction about a person. This happens because the Ascendant, is the holy place [East point] where the god Horus [Sun] rises and sets his “fingerprint” into the newborn Soul; – the scope of Horus – “horoscope”.

For the Ascendant’s basic analysis, you will proceed as always: check in which Zodiac Sign it is placed and take all its relative traits associated, its Element and its Quality.

Remember that the Rising Sign is defined by the very AC point only. All the eventual other Signs that are “inside” the House’s space have no importance in that (read even here for more about this topic).

In this example: Ascendant is Sagittarius, Fire, Mutable.

Step 5 – Check how the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant match all together.

As happened for the Sun and the Moon case, it’s time to observe how the AC match with the 2 Luminaries. The principle to use is the same we applied before: Take the Elements and the Qualities of the 3 Zodiac Signs involved as a point of reference, it will give many clues to understand how this astrological trinity works together, and, consequently, how the 3 fundamental energies of the psyche that they represent work together.


An Ascendant (AC) in an Earth Sign, in a person who has even the Natal Sun in an Earth Sign, will work in tune with that Sun, and if that person has the Moon in a Water Sign (complementary) the AC’s traits will support and integrate those of the Moon and vice versa.  

At the same way, an AC in Air Element with a Sun in Earth and a Moon in Fire, will produce different inner dynamics between the 3 pillars of the Chart: Air AC will work in harmony with the Fire Moon (complementary Elements) but at the same time it will have some hard relation with the Earth-Sun (opposite Elements).

So, all of this could be enough to have the basic structure of your personality with its inner dynamics, however, I suggest doing one last step to actually get a good view of your behaviors and beliefs’ system.

Step 6 – Check the Dispositor’s position of your Zodiac Sign.

Many people usually stop this basic analysis of the Birth Chart with the interpretation of the trinity, but I personally suggest checking the position of the Dispositor of the Sun Sign; it will give you important insight about your main psychological portrait.

The Dispositor is the Planet Lord of your Zodiac Sign; pay attention, it is not a Dignity like the Domicile or the Exaltation, but it’s simply a role that a Planet takes respect to the Zodiacal Sign that it rules. That’s why it’s useful in understanding the particular and individual shade of your Zodiac Sign; It’s the influence of the Dispositor that defines your subjective way of being a Gemini, Scorpius, Aquarius, Aries, etc.   


If in a Birth Chart the Sun is placed in Taurus, as we know that determines the Zodiacal Sign of the person who we are examining, so he is a Taurus. However, to understand his subjective way to be a Taurus, we need to check even the position of the Planet Lord of Taurus, namely Venus.

In this example, Venus is the Dispositor of the Solar Sign and it will help us in understanding which kind of Taurus is that person. Continuing that example, we find out that Venus (Dispositor) is in Pisces; Well, the person we are examining will be a Taurus with particular shades of Pisces, because the Planet Dispositor (Venus) will reflect its Pisces forces toward its natural Domicile (Taurus) and consequently, toward the Sun that is placsed there.

In this example: Mars, the Lord of Aries, is the Dispositor of the Sun Sign, and it takes Cancer’s influence.

So, the situation of the Dispositor of the Sun Sign gives to us many pieces of information about the personal expression of our own Zodiac Sign.

All this Dispositor thing, it’s exactly what makes thinking to us while we are reading a profile of our Zodiac Sign: – “Yes, ok, I recognize myself in many things, but less in others…” – the Dispositor is the main responsible for the subjective differences in respect to the generic profile of our Zodiac Sign. 

That’s why, besides – Sun – Moon – AC -, I consider an indispensable priority even checking the basic situation of the Planet Dispositor of the Zodiacal Sign; this is the way we can obtain the most accurate psychological base where we can successively build a detailed personal portrait continuing with all the other pieces of the Natal Chart.

About the Dispositor, you will proceed to its basic examination as always: check the Element, the Quality and if it has some Dignity or Debility. 

After you get those elements, you can proceed again in checking how the Dispositor matches with the trinity: if it has affinity or divergencies with them, again according to the alchemical dynamics previously showed in this article. Give more emphasis to its combination with the Sun especially.

Once you did that, you finally finished the basic analysis of the priority elements of the Birth Chart. I recap the method and its order:

1 – Basic check to the Sun [Element – Quality – Dignities/Debilities]

2 – Basic check to the Moon [Element – Quality – Dignities/Debilities – How it matches with the Sun]

3 – Basic check to the Ascendant [Element – Quality – How it matches with the Luminaries]

4 – Basic check to the Dispositor of the Zodiacal Sign [ Element – Quality – Dignities/Debilities – how it matches with Sun-Moon-AC]

These 4 steps are the first thing you should do every time that you open a new Birth Chart, ignoring all the rest until their time will come. Don’t disperse your attention on Lilith, Houses, Asteroids, Vertex, etc. while you don’t know yet the Unconscious [Moon] of those who you are examining. It would be like buying items of furniture without having yet a house to furnish.

Apply the method, and you will see with your own eyes how it will avoid to you chaos, disorder, that overwhelmed feeling, and a lot of frustration. 

In doing that, you will realize soon that those elements are the 4 landmarks of the Birth Chart, because you will acquire a consistent psychological portrait of yourself and your personality even just from these few pieces of the interpretation. 

With time and patience, it will become an “auto-pilot” to you, an effective “modus operandi” that will make your Birth chart’s interpretations easier, faster, cleaner and precise.

With this solid base, now you can moving forward to the next phases of the Birth Chart interpretation confidently, to get every single detail about the wonderful picture of the human psyche.

Saturday 4 September 2021

Sabian Life Journey


Sabian Life Journey


How to become the essence-seed of our own incarnation?

Our life experiences may be expressed as a journey from Aries 1 to Pisces 30. It is easier to arrive at the understanding of those experiences by a process of reflection, looking backwards rather than forward though the zodiac cycle. We can use the previous degree to answer the question - how? - rather than the following one to answer - why?
ARIES 1: "Become the essence-seed of your soul's incarnation"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 30  "We become whatever we idealise"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 29  "Simultaneously looking for God and looking through God's eyes"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 28  "Fulfil your desire!"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 27 "See your life as the fulfilment of desire"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 26 "Exercise your free will"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 25 "Rid yourself of negative thought"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 24 "Use conflict as a means to learn compassionate acceptance"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 23 "Notice how people suffer and live in confusion"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 22 "Follow a spiritual code"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 21 "Practice and demonstrate innocence of being"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 20 "Live with an attitude of gratitude"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 19 "Participate in the transmission of love and knowledge"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 18 "Be entertainer, teacher and priest"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 17 "Celebrate your spirituality with traditional public rituals"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 16 "Connect here and now with the eternal everywhere"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 15 "Disciplined preparation to develop group consciousness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 14 "Protect yourself from unwanted, intrusive energies"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 13 "Develop sharpness of intent"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 12 "Deal with examinations and challenges effectively"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 11 "Dedication to self-improvement above all things"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 10 "Attain the highest level of responsibility that you can manage"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 9 "Be determined to succeed"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 8 "Herald your knowledge, proclaim it"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 7 "Stand firmly according to your principles at whatever cost"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 6 "Tolerate others until they become intolerable"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 5 "Interact with others with integrity and lightness of being"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 4 "Find your way to negotiate when overcrowding brings limitation"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 3 "Read between the lines to infer whatever cannot be fully known"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 2 "Balance trust with caution"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
PISCES 1 "Exchange ideas, goods and services mindfully"
  ""How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 30 "Envision the universe as a point of radiant light"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 29 "Shift your spiritual level up a notch"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 28 "Expanding perception in order to see more deeply"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 27 "Intuitive development of the hidden meaning inherent in things"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 26 "Measurement and study of how things work"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 25 "Rising above emotion to attain spiritual wisdom"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 24 "Learning by teaching others"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 23 "Demonstration of self-control"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 22 "Practising kindness as a spiritual path"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 21 "Facing emotional upset and pain with grit and forbearance"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 20 "Victory over forces of entropy and destruction"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 19 "Dealing with emergencies"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 18 "Exposure of hidden causes and purposes"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 17 "Protecting ourselves from others"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 16 "Self-organisation and staying on top of things"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 15 "The practise of happiness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 14 "Cutting through obstacles"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 13 "Planning for the future"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 12 "Self-examination and improvement"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 11 "Following inner guidance and inspiration"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 10 "Rejecting the illusion of fame and fortune"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 9 "Becoming the change you want to see in the world"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 8 "Creating idealised intentions"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 7 "Breaking with tradition"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 6 "Channelling ancient archetypes in your own unique fashion"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 5 "Wise reconciliation of idealism and pragmatism"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 4 "Healing yourself of imbalances"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 3 "Refusing to comply with inappropriate authority"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 2 "Submission to unforeseen and uncontrollable forces"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
AQUARIUS 1 "Building structures of survival with your group"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 30 "Accepting the need for high-level management of collective affairs "
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 29 "Interpretation of subtle spiritual messages, facts and opinions"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 28 "Awareness of signs and subtle metaphors in life"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN ​27 "Retreat and pilgrimage"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 26 "Allowing yourself to respond to feelings of the mysteries"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 25 "Blending spiritual ideas within ordinary events and traditional culture"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 24 "Affirming community support for spiritual seekers"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 23 "Recognition of the heroic efforts of others on different  paths"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 22 "Redefying the meaning of success and failure"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 21 "Group cooperation"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 20 "Spiritual fellowship"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 19 "Taking on, and managing, difficult challenges"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 18 "Coping with the tyranny of unconscious people"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 17 "Freeing yourself from unhealthy prohibitions"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 16 "Enjoyment of the physical body and its power and strength"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 15 "Caring about our future wellbeing"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 14 "Investment in the long-term"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 13 "Resonating with enduring values"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 12 "Passing on the life-lessons that you have learnt"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 11 "Refining and beautifying Nature"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 10 "Radiating peaceful harmony"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 9 "Being in tune with love, harmony and beauty"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 8 "Happy acceptance of limits"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 7 "Insights into what to expect of life"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 6 "Learning the relationship between beginnings and endings" 
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 5 "Using power to avoid catastrophe"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 4 "Group responsiveness to collective emergency"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 3 "Evolution of soul consciousness through challenging experiences"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 2 "Experiencing destruction and entropy with awareness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CAPRICORN 1 "Observing the effects of unrestrained personal power"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 30 "Living as a trans-personal symbol, representing an ideal"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 29 "Reconciling social expectations with personal ideals"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 28 "Marrying up the mundane and the spiritual beautifully"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 27 "Giving some physical form to our vision"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 26 "Losing ourselves within the ideal"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 25 "Using imagination to build an ideal life"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 24 "Finding inner peace and radiating beauty"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 23 "Courageously discovering our place in life"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 22 "Discovering a deeper sense of self through seclusion"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 21 "Receiving guidance from a true master"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 20 "Right living as a spiritual principle"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 19 "Overcoming thoughtless self-gratification"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 18 "Limiting our exposure to excitement"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 17 "Remembrance of sacredness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 16 "Mastery of alertness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 15 "Distinguishing what may be from what must be"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 14 "Reclaiming old teachings that pass the test of time"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 13 "Facing up to our past imperfections"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 12 "Announcing our willingness to evolve"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 11 "Noticing the truth written in facts"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 10 "Listening to criticism and clues"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 9 "Engaging fully in training"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 8 "Learning how to awaken hidden energies"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 7 "Being receptive to the stirring of emotions"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 6 "Participating in communal activity"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 5 "Looking for and seeing the light within the darkness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 4 "Being open to kindness and helpfulness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 3 "Carefully choosing the optimal path"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 2 " Avoiding being overwhelmed by the elements"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SAGITTARIUS 1 "Processing the lessons within our mistakes and struggles"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 30 "Allowing a measure of wildness reveals our darker secrets"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 29 "Intense emotional focus"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 28 "Awareness of our deepest yearnings"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 27 "Building safe space though projection of personal atmosphere"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO  26 "Trusting that we can find whatever we need wherever we go"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 25 "Penetrating beneath the surface to know the mysteries"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 24 "Practical application of spiritual principles"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 23 "Transforming baser instincts"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 22 "Accommodating instinctual drives"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO  21 "Being true to ourselves"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 20 "Through the deepening of faith, opening up to an expanded future"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 19 "Trusting in the mysterious inner voice of guidance"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 18 "Freeing ourselves from patterns of limiting beliefs"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 17 "Complete self-determination"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO  16 "Seeing all things in life as a mirror of who we are"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 15 "Realising how little we really know"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 14 "Widespread communication of feelings and thought"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 13 "Seeing that everything is connected"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 12 "Keeping open difficult relationships with skills in diplomacy"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 11 "Readiness to care for others of our species" 
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 10 "Enjoyment of friendliness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 9 "Being helpful in solving others' problems"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 8 "Development of compassion and helpfulness through centring into peace"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 7 "Turning within to contemplate the nature of life and self"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO  6 "Finding the appetite to experience more abundance and life adventures"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 5 "Realising that stability creates greater freedom"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 4 "Communal rituals both settle us and deepen our access to the life force"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 3 "Building a better future working with others in our community"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO 2 "Sharing nostalgic memories binds us into community"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
SCORPIO ​1 "We move away from our beloved past motivated by curiosity for greater experience"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 30 "Using knowledge as a platform to develop wisdom"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 29 "Seeking knowledge"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 28 "Dawning awareness that we are part of the greater Light"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 27 "Rising above daily concerns to grasp spiritual ideas"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 26 "Bringing together love, will and intelligence"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 25 "Looking for the uniqueness in others"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 24 "Discovery of our own uniqueness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 23 "Speaking out what we know to be true"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 22 "Expressing compassion whenever we feel it"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 21 "Surrendering self-importance"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 20 "Following traditional teachings"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 19 "Participation in collective new understandings"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 18 "Accepting the consequences of our misdemeanours"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 17 "Reflecting upon all we have done"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 16 "Shifting of consciousness following a catastrophic loss"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 15 "Serene realisation of the cycles of creation and destruction"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 14 "Learning the wisdom of letting go"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 13 "Learning how to play"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 12 "Moving from unconsciousness into the light"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 11 "Seeing teaching as the revelation of light"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 10 "Poise and calm reflection"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 9 "Chain of transmission"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 8 "Expectation of assistance from guardian angels - whether they are people or spirits"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 7 "Taking responsibility for whatever is within our care"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 6 "The power of visualisation - for better or for worse"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 5 "True teachings are shown not told"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 4 "Spiritual communion within a group of peers"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 3 "Every moment is unique and profound"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 2  "Being authentic in every moment"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LIBRA 1 "Understanding that we are an imperfect example of an ideal"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 30 "Rejecting the false through unusual power of concentration"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 29 "Ardent application to grasp the ancient mysteries"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 28 "Honing the will to exceptional levels"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 27 "The pursuit of excellence"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 26 "Studying humility as a spiritual practice"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 25 "Exceptional community service"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 24 "The spiritual practice of innocence"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 23 "Overcoming prideful self-love"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 22 "High-level responsibility"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 21 "Putting community goals above personal ambition"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 20 "Working cooperatively towards a common goal"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 19 "Self-mastery by eliminating personal faults"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 18 "Deep and mysterious intuitive self-awareness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 17 "Release of emotional blocks"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 16  "Rebalancing of inner primal forces"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 15 "Wise reflection of positive and negative parental influence"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 14 "Understanding how ancestral qualities have left their mark"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 13 "Claiming our rightful influence"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 12 "Unveiling the mystery of all types of intimate relationships"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 11 "Rising above the need for parenting"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 10  "Looking for harmony within disorder"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 9 "Boldly breaking new ground according to our own vision"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 8 "Receiving instruction towards mastery"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 7 "Unemotional acceptance of what cannot be changed"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 6 "Finding poise amidst emotional turbulence"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 5 "Opening up to more subtle dimensions of reality"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 4 "Freedom from prejudicial mental constructs and beliefs"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 3 "Feeling the presence of non-physical beings of light"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 2 "Awakening to sacredness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
VIRGO 1 "Learning what is significant on our lives"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 30 "Confidence arising from spiritual integrity"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 29 "Responding excitedly to the creative impulse"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 28 "Focusing upon optimal opportunity"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 27 "Being renewed moment by moment"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 26 "Developing certainty that life fulfils its promise of joy"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 25 "Self-reliance"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 24 "Giving attention only to what matters"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 23 "Audacity and daring"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 22 "Claiming to be an aspect of God's message"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 21 "Acting upon ill-defined feelings of potential"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 20 "Honouring primitive impulses to praise God"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 19 "Spending time unconstrained by polite society"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 18 "Demonstrating knowledge of magick"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 17 "Communion, devotion and connectedness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 16 "Anticipating sunshine after the storm"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 15 "Dramatization of collective spiritual values"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 14 "Speaking with the soul's voice"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 13 "Reflection and depth assimilation of our experiences"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 12  "Moderating our self-proclamation in order to blend in"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 11 "Feeling enthusiasm for ordinary aspects of life"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 10 "Developing a sparkling expression of self"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 9 "The passion and commitment to create inspiring beauty"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 8 "Learning that creativity has destruction within its normal cycle"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 7  "Knowing of the spiritual truth beneath the illusion of that which changes"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 6 "Being indifferent to fashions of morality and values"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 5  "Seeing things in the larger context"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 4 "Finding a way to make relevant our own small achievements"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 3 "Doing our own thing in our own way"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 2 "Understanding that small events have widespread implications"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
LEO 1 "Moderating our feelings of self-importance"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 30  "Respect for tradition"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 29 "Balancing our personal experiences against accepted knowledge"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 28 "Reconciliation of past and future"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 27 "Facing crisis philosophically"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 26 "Power, responsibility and impermanence of social position"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 25 "Feeling the occasional rush of spiritual empowerment"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 24 "Harmonious blending of all aspects of self"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 23 "Learning the hidden language of image and metaphor"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 22 "Withstanding the poignancy of dreaming's uncertainty"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 21 "Seeing that success and failure are simply emotional outpourings"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 20 "Celebration of permitted emotional expression"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 19 "Sanctifying a code of conduct"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 18 "Fulfilling a mature role within our community"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 17 "Building upon potential"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 16 "Embracing all parts of our nature"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 15 "Celebration of self"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 14 "Discovery of universal, eternal truths"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 13 "Making a claim towards fulfilling our destiny"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 12 "Recognition of destiny"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 11 "Diminishing the influence of our role models"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 10 "Undergoing intense training in self-improvement"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 9 "Asking questions"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 8 "Finding a guide"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 7 "Expanding our imagination of what is possible"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 6 "Potentials expanded through ruthless self-honesty"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 5 "Anticipation of the irrefutable consequences of our imperfections"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 4 "Making our selfish claim without apology"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 3 "Facing up to challenges with ardent determination"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 2 "Expanding our perception of what is and what could be"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
CANCER 1 "Major reorientation of loyalties and values"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 30 "Choosing standards in order to express values"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 29 "Finding what makes us excited about life"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 28 "being supported through trial and error processes"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 27 "Stepping into involvements that enable growth"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 26 "Ridding ourselves of non-essentials and finding truth in beauty"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 25  "Tidying up the expression of personality"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 24 "Recreation as a tool for self-vitalisation"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 23 "New levels of spiritual integration"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 22 "Sharing our feelings within our community"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 21 "Allowing an outburst of pent-up feelings"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 20 "The supreme importance of applying reasonable limits to our desire-nature"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 19 "Tuning in to archetypal wisdom"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 18 "Enjoyment of solitude and the spiritual practice of self-reflection"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 17 "Recognition of our youthful emotions and the maturing towards wisdom"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 16 "Being open to persuasion"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 15 "Confirmation and validation"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 14 "Exceptional connectedness and rapport"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 13 "Aspiration and inspiration"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 12 "Casting off the slave mentality"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 11 "Adventurous journey into the unknown"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 10 "Uncovering the majestic power of the mind"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 9 "Focusing the mind through mastery of self"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 8 "Assertive expression of self"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 7 "Trusting in life and relying upon Nature"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 6 "Zealous appetite for knowledge"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 5 "Going beyond established limits and collective opinions"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 4 "Accessing primitive wisdom"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 3 "Understanding hierarchy and privilege"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 2 "Belief in the universality of abundance"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
GEMINI 1 "Uncovering a new dimension of life"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 30 "Embellishing our life expression"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 29 "Respecting other ways of being and doing"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 28 "Maturity in relationships"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 27 "Calm wisdom that grows with age"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 26 "Learning how to behave appropriately"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 25 "Participation in community responsibilities"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 24 "Channelling aggression"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 23 "Improving upon Nature"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 22 "Reading the mysterious symbols in Nature"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 21 "Balancing guidance with self-determination"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 20 "Willing participation with unseen spiritual forces"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 19 "Pure receptivity that sponsors spiritual breakthrough"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 18 "Emptying the mind"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 17 "Confronting inner dualities"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 16 "Perpetual attempts to deepen and express knowledge"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 15 "Pushing against obstacles towards self-improvement"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 14 "Self-sponsored emergence within a community setting"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 13 "Improving our lot in life"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 12 "Wishing for more"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 11 "Constructing a beautiful personality"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 10 "Compassionate service"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 9 "Bringing light"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 8 "Making something out of nothing with creative optimism"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 7 "Implanting hope"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 6 "Building bridges to end separation"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 5 "Letting go of grief and sorrow"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 4 "Being profoundly touched by beauty and imagination"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 3 "Determined effort to find the way"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 2 "Epiphany of light"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
TAURUS 1 "Spontaneous authenticity"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 30 "Practising worldly competence as a spiritual principle"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 29 "Devotion and veneration as tools of power and beauty"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 28 "Speaking with power and truth"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 27 "Having faith in attainable ideals and learning to avoid disappointment"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 26 "Avoiding overwhelm by development of discrimination"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 25 "Envisioning what we hope to experience"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 24 "Allowing higher forces to shape our lives"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 23 "Creative assertiveness towards furtherment of potentials"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 22 "Optimism, synergy, sharing and abundance as life principles"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 21 "Measuring up to challenges so to examine our strengths and weaknesses"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 20 "Being innocent and fearless in love"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 19 "Training how to release the grasping mind"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 18 "Tuning in to natural rhythms"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 17 "Seclusion as a way to deepen self-knowledge"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 16 "Deep mystical awareness of essence"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 15 "Sanctifying life itself"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 14 "Recognition of the sacredness of relationship"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 13 "Sincere, if naïve,  steps towards self-perfection"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 12 "Awareness of the soul's transcendence"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 11 "Projection of disciplined will"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 10 "Uniqueness in perception and attitude"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 9 "Sensitive, visionary concentration of attention"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 8 "Guarding our sensitivities"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 7 "Extension of possibilities"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 6 "Particular drive and focus"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 5 "Finding the skills, loyalties and values to rise to higher levels of consciousness"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 4 "Balancing the inner feminine and masculine polarities"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 3 "Seeing oneself in the context of being with others"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 2 "Adjustment to feedback"
How can I do that? we ask - and the response comes from
ARIES 1 "Becoming the essence-seed of your soul's incarnation"