Sunday 3 April 2011


  • Saturn Retrograde

  • Uranus Retrograde

  • Neptune Retrograde

  • Pluto Retrograde

  • Retrograde Motion


    Retrograde motion pulls back and gives you an opportunity to take care of your past (old business). The past that needs to be resolved is directly related to the planet involved. Mercury retrograde has to do with communciation, YOUR COMMUNICATION. Pluto retrograde has to do with transformation, YOUR TRANSFORMATION. Jupiter retrograde has to do with abundance, YOUR ABUNDANCE. 'Out of its Shadow' means after the planet leaves its retrograde (backward) motion and goes direct (forward) again making its way back to the degree that it was before it went retrograde. In other words, it's when the planet is back to its old self. Now you can start again (a do-over so to speak) and prayerfully you learned something during the retrograde experience or took care of the past while the planet was retrograde and now you get to move forward under better circumstances than you would have had the planet not gone retrograde. Retrograde motion isn't a bad thing folks, it's actually meant to serve your higher purpose. Everything is always for your higher purpose.

    Retrograde Motion is misleading!
    Retrograde motion is when it APPEARS as though a planet is actually moving in a backward motion due to the relation of the planet to the earth in its particular position at a certain point in time.

  • Saturn Retrograde

  • Uranus Retrograde

  • Neptune Retrograde

  • Pluto Retrograde

  • Let's face it, planets are NEVER actually retrograde (moving backward) or stationary (stopped). This is a phenomenon due to the Sun casting a shadow on the planet making it appear as though it is stationary or that it is in retrograde motion.

    Even when a planet "APPEARS" to be in retrograde motion its influence does not change, BUT your individual response to that particular influence of that planet may be different. Unless of course, you remember that this is merely an illusion. IT ISN'T REAL!!!

    So how can you use retrograde motion to your advantage?

    When a planet is said to be in retrograde motion, you can focus on the energy of the planet (like Mercury) and become more efficient in adopting its positive attributes. So when Mercury is said to be in retrograde motion and it appears communications are going to heck in a hand-basket, this is merely our response and not what actually is. Again, look up Mercury or the retrograde planet in question on the planetary symbols page and adopt the positive attributes of that planet.

    The Sun and Moon are never retrograde or stationary. The North and South Node are ALWAYS retrograde.