Uranian attachments are unique. When they work, they exist beyond the normal confines of society. Couples who live what could be considered unconventional lifestyles, or form highly unconventional pairings often have strong Uranian ties. There is usually an air of friendliness and healthy detachment that helps them go the distance. Rather than focusing on melding together to dissolve their differences, there is a respect for what makes the other unique.
When Uranus is strong between charts, there is very often a distinct telepathy between lovers. They can just “know” what the other is thinking or feeling at any given time; they can dream one another’s dreams (literally); they can picture what the other is doing at any moment. This is often most keen with conjunctions to the Sun, Moon and/or Mercury, but other aspects can manifest this as well. Neptune can do something similar, but Neptune does it by dissolving boundaries and using empathy/feeling as a basis for the contact. The Uranian vibe doesn’t work that way—it’s more concrete, more specific, more electric. It’s as if the couple has an electronic device implanted where they just pick one another up.
The purpose of Uranus is very simple—it wants to take us higher. If we’re very attachment- and security-oriented, a Uranian relationship isn’t going to be an easy ride for us. Uranus is designed to take us beyond the Moon-Saturn dynamic into a new order of relating. It will insist on its own way, and its own dizzying pace. It will insist that we are equal partners with our eyes on the same goal. It will not guarantee that we will always walk side-by-side. However, we will know that we are connected to one another, and to the rest of the universe, by an unseen universal law. And that, in itself, can give us more security than we could ever hope for on Earth.
Dawn Bodrogi has studied astrology since the age of twelve, and has been a practicing astrologer for over twenty years with a special emphasis on synastry. Her studies in Jungian psychology, alchemy, and Buddhist philosophy inform her work. Her upcoming book, The Inner Wheel, takes a new look at interpreting secondary progressions. You can see more of Dawn’s work at her blog, The Inner Wheel: Living with Astrology.