Sunday 3 January 2016

Summary for Life Path Numbers from 1 to 9

ONES have a strong desire to be # 1.They are independent, self motivated, and hard working. They are critical of themselves and as a result, can be critical of others. When the 1 Life Path has won a personal victory, they radiate with pure joy. Multitasking is something they tend to be very good at, and keeping busy is very important to them. The 1s will not tolerate laziness from the people they spend their time with. Exercise is a must for the 1 Life Path- it helps them to get out their heads and actually relax for a moment, before moving right on to the next project!

TWOS want peace. They make good mediators. They are very loyal, and when they say that they love you,count on it!They welcome companionship and the chance to share their lives with someone special. The flip side is that if they feel threatened or pushed to the wall, they become the terrible 2s. Usually though, they will do everything they can to avoid conflict.

THREES communicate in all areas: You will find them as Writers, radio broadcasters, actors, singers, performers, counselors etc..They are natural comedians, but if they do not use their creative energy, they can feel manic and unhappy. They tend to exaggerate the truth because it makes for a better story! The 3s are known for their trademark smiles, bright eyes and pleasing voices.

FOURS seek security. Home is their haven. They are often intensely cerebral and need to find ways to calm their minds. They should avoid the tendency to overthink everything, otherwise great ideas live and die in their heads, and nothing actually gets done. The 4s like to be organized and to put things back in their "proper place". If their home environment appears sloppy and unkempt , that is a sign that the 4 Life Path person is not doing well.

FIVES seek freedom, fun, adventure. If they do not live the adventure, their lives can become way too dramatic. They are the natural detectives and celebrators of life ( holidays are usually one of their favorite times of the year). 5s have a hard time settling down and have a fear of being trapped or smothered in a relationship. So if you are involved with a 5, give them plenty of space!

SIXES are nurturers. If men, they rescue damsels in distress. If women, they mother the "little boy" in their men. They should manage or run the company. If everything is going smoothly, they must be careful not to ruin it. They tend to put people on pedestals which inevitably topple. They are magnetic, and people are drawn to them. Their moods affect the room.

SEVENS are another cerebral number. They do not want you to know exactly who they are, and need their privacy. If you earn their trust, they will confide in you, but don't bother prying, because it will get you nowhere! They are loners who seek truth and need to have a strong faith base that they can really embrace. If they do not have faith, they may become cynical and some will actually escape through drugs, alcohol, work, geography etc.. They have a love of natural beauty: ocean, green grass, plants, flowers, etc. Being surrounded by nature gives them a strong sense of peace.

EIGHTS do not feel safe unless they have found a way to establish financial security. It is difficult for the 8s to take advice. When they make a choice, they must feel it is their decision, NOT SOMEONE ELSES. As a result, they do tend to learn the hard way. 8s are very honest and by being too blunt, they unintentionally hurt other's feelings. Although they can sometimes appear insensitive, what is going on inside them is the exact opposite. They do feel deeply about everything that goes on in their lives.

NINES are the natural leaders. People often think they are in charge even if they are not. When in a store, people will often assume that they work there and will ask for help! They take care of everyone else, but need to learn to speak up when they need help, love, and hugs. The 9s often feel unloved or abandoned by their mother or father, or they feel completely responsible for them. It's hard for them to let go of the past, and it is something they need to work on in this lifetime.