Saturday 5 February 2011

Heliocentric Astrology

by T Patrick Davis PMAFA 1980

1] Inserting the heliocentric positions of the planets at birth into a geocentric horoscope will, revolutionize the practice of astrology in every phase of its application. Bewildering gaps of knowledge are closed. Power-structures are found. The horoscope becomes sharper, clearer and easier to interpret correctly.

2] Neither chart is adequate by itself. Both the geocentric and the heliocentric positions of the planets are required for the greatest accuracy.

3] The influence of the helio planets is not confined to any single level of being but functions on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level in the same way as the geo planets.

LI] Progressed helio planets, using the day-for-a-year technique, were found to operate as effectively as geo-progressed planets.

5] Transit positions of helio planets were found to be as effective as those in the geocentric system.

6] The position of the helio planets should be calculated with the same procedure followed in calculating the gao planets: The GMT for the time of birth is used to interpolate between the positions given in an ephemeris for the day of birth and the day following.


1] The helio planets in a sign and in a house should be interpreted exactly in the same way as the geo positions have always been treated. They denote another facet of interest or drives in the person which are as powerfully felt as those of the gao position.

2] The hello planets in aspect to other hello planets should be interpreted exactly in the same way as the same type of aspect has always been interpretred for geo planetary positions.

[Also see Whole Chart Patterns by Michael Erlwine]

3) When a helio planet is within a couple of degrees of an aspect to the Midheaven or Ascendant, its power in the life is considerably stronger than if no contact is made. It becomes a dominating influence under these circumstances and should be interpreted according to the basic principles associated with the planet and its sign location.

14] When hello planets aspect gao planets, and most especially between fast-moving planets, the orb should be kept narrow and they should be interpreted according to their basic nature of influence.

5] A strongly aspected hello planet is more significant in the life than one weakly aspectad in the same way as with geo planets.

6] A hello planet without strong aspects, or with no aspects, will operate through its sign and house position rather independently as an interest separate from the rest of the life. It should be interpreted in this way. It will prove to be a more “pure” manifestation of the planet in a sign and house than those blending interests through aspects.

7] When the rulership of a house finds the two locations of the ruling planet widely separated in the chart, the interests will be spread to both placements. It will not be weakened- it will go in both directions.

EXAMPLE: If Mercury rules the 7th house in the chart and one Mercury is found in the 5th house while the other Mercury is found in the 9th house, both positions will describe the marriage partner to an amazing degree. It will also describe the mental interests and drives of the individual represented by the horoscope.

8] While there is an interaction between the geo and hello systems, I suspect that an aspect between planets in the same system is more potent than when the two systems are mixed. Great difficulty has accompanied straightening out this magnitude of influence between the two systems.

9] In the progressed horoscope, the factors operating with the closest precision in the aspects formed, and most especially those being “touched” by the natal or progressed Midheaven or Ascendant, will be the most activated and responsive at that time - regardless of whether they are geo or helio planets.


1] Power-structures are formed when the same type of information is found in the geo positions as in the hello positions of the planets, or if the geo and hello blend forces to accentuate the contact. If the angles of the chart are also in close contact with the planetary pattern, it is safe to assume that the meaning of the pattern will be of the greatest possible importance to the entire life.

2] Power-structures may be indicated through aspects, through house locations, through sign locations, through equivalent-type significators, through contact with one or both of the angles of the chart, and through an interaetion between the geo and hello positions.

3] Power-structures provide the astrologer with a clearer picture of the magnitude of a talent, character traits, personal circumstances, obstacles and/or advantages which will be unique in their manifestation. EXAMPLE: Those with an intensely magnified financial picture of advantages or luck shown through both the hello and geo patterns may be born poor but become extremely wealthy. Those born into a stable, wealthy financial situation will not have the same kind of picture for it is a part of their personal circumstances from the beginning and no effort is required to manifest this fortune.


1] A much greater precision is possible through the addition of hello planets. Therefore, a much narrower orb of influence between planets in aspects is recommended than accepted previously.

2] The addtion of hello planets to the horoscope will provide a graphic picture on why such wide orbs of influence were felt necessary when only the geo planets were being used. This Is especially true of Jupiter, whose extension of influence has generated consideration that its massive size and multiple Moons spread out from it might be responsible for the need to broaden its sphere of influence beyond those given to other planets. The number of degrees between the geo and hello positions of Jupiter can vary from a conjunction to around 12°.

3] The closer the aspect is to exactness between planets, the more powerfully it will operate in the life. This is as true for geo-to-helio planets as for hello-to-hello planets as well as for geo-to-geo planets.

4] Natal chart aspects between hello and geo planets should not extend beyond a 3° orb unless another planet is positioned in such a manner that it creates a bridge-of-influence which will broaden the effect. In any case, this would rarely extend beyond a 4° orb. Aspects with a 3°-to-4° orb should be considered weak. It is in this area that extensive experience is decidedly helpful. There is a reluctance to lay down hard and fast rules without noting that there are various situations which will provide exceptions. FOR EXAMPLE: If slow moving progressions are moving to tighten the natal aspect, a slightly wider orb could be effective. While this would be the result of progressions, the lengthy or life-time influence would operate as though a close aspect existed in the natal chart.

5] Progressed aspects should be maintained at the usual 1° orb of influence although there have been occasions noted where a few minutes beyond the exact 1° was obviously effective through its appropriateness in describing the situation. The usual cause of this appears to be an early precipitation into response through the exactness of other strong factors operating simultaneously. The cumulative influences of several indicators working within the same time span will quicken an aspect which is still a bit wide of the exact 1° rule.

6] Transits may be allowed an orb up to 2° from exactness, but 2° should be considered wide. It is not uncommon to find transit conjunctions exact to the minute or within minutes of exactness. The hello transits to helio planets should be considered a little stronger in effectiveness than to a geo planet, or visa versa, but if they are simultaneously moving to a cross-over or interaction, the aspects formed should be considered quite powerful. EXAMPLE: Natal geo Jupiter 2° Aries with natal !telio Jupiter at 13° Aries. If hello Mars is transiting across geo Jupiter while geo Mars is transiting across the hello Jupiter at the same time, the aspect should be considered dynamically effective - very powerful!