Feel The Rhythm: Ascendant Connections |
Never underestimate the power of the Ascendant! It may be easy to underplay, or even dismiss altogether, the Ascendant's role in interpersonal relationships when we think of the Ascendant as the "mask" we wear when we meet others. If the Ascendant is a mere mask, shouldn't it only be important at the very beginning of a relationship? We don't think so. In fact, we feel that the Ascendant has an ongoing, vital role in relationships of all kinds, including long-lasting, one-to-one relationships. We have found that interplays between Ascendants can be the source of basic conflict or harmony, on a body level. Remember as well that the Ascendant defines the Descendant, which is a highly sensitive relationship point in the natal chart. |
You Complete Me: Grand Trines in Synastry |
In our experience, one of the most powerful indicators of special relationships occurs when a simple trine in one person's natal chart is effectively turned into aGrand Trine by another person's planet(s), particularly when it involves personal planets. For example, in one person's chart, Mars is in the early degrees of Sagittarius and trines the Moon in the early degrees of Aries. A planet in the early degrees of Leo would form a Grand Trine in this native's chart, but doesn't exist. Her partner's Sun fills this pattern, as it is in the early degrees of Leo. This powerful connection is especially potent when it is reciprocated. A special bond exists between the natives. |
Haven't We Met Before?: Nodes of the Moon |
Many astrologers consider the Nodes of the Moon an important axis, and some believe the axis relates to past life connections. Whether or not you agree with theories of reincarnation, this axis is a sensitive point in any chart and it deals with important life lessons. When strong contacts exist with the Nodes of the Moon in synastry, there is a deep compulsion to be together. Read more detail about the Nodes of the Moon in Synastry here. |
You are Made for Me: The Vertex |
A lesser known point in any natal chart is the vertex. It acts almost like a secondary descendant. Strong interaspects involving the vertex are found in the synastry of people who feel they are made for each other. There is a fated quality attached to the vertex. |
Sign Interchanges |
When sign positions of planets are interchanged, there is a special compatibility and fascination. For example, if one person has a Sun in Aries and Venus in Taurus, and another person has Sun in Taurus and Venus in Aries, although they will act quite differently, this pair will have some interesting exchanges in their relationship. |
I Feel For You: Sun/Moon Contacts |
When one partner's Sun makes an aspect with the other's Moon, there is a natural affinity. The Moon person supports the Sun in quiet but meaningful ways, and the Sun person returns the favor with an affirming energy. |
You Rock My World: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (and Chiron) Connections |
When the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) figure strongly in the synastry of two individuals, there is generally a powerful feeling of being uplifted and transformed through contact with each other. Chiron figuring prominently in synastry seems to be just as potent. |
You Give My Life Meaning: Sun/Moon Midpoint Connections |
A person's Sun/Moon midpoint ( |
Asteroids: Eros & Psyche |
Some astrologers are studying the role of asteroids in astrology. Strong connections between the asteroids Eros ( |
The Composite Chart |
Soulmates always have a powerful composite chart. That is, their composite chart is not scattered—it contains plenty of strong aspects and connections. The Sun and Moon are generally strongly aspected (not necessarily with each other); and similar patterns exist with the other personal planets—Venus, Mercury, and Mars. Source: Cafe Astrology |
One of the classic marks of a strong relationship is a close conjunction between one person's Sun and the other person's Moon. Squares and oppositions are also strong, but the soft angles of trines and sextiles are not strong indicators in and of themselves. However, if there are other indicators, then the trines and sextiles certainly add to the strength of the relationship.
Close contacts between one person's Sun and another person's Ascendant are also strong indicators of Soulmate possibilities. Conjunctions are strongest with squares and oppositions also strong.
Contacts between one person's Mars and another person's Venus are also very important in romantic and/or sexual relationships. (These would not be as significant in non-romantic or non-sexual soulmates, often called soul brothers or soul sisters.)
Sun/Mars and Sun/Venus contacts, and Venus/Venus contacts and Moon/Moon contacts and Sun/Sun contacts can also be important, although possibly not as strong as the previously mentioned contacts. Again, the hard aspects of conjunction, square, and opposition seem to carry more weight than trines and sextiles.
Sometimes Sun/Neptune contacts are indicators of soulmate relationships although many astrologers don't seem to say much about this one when discussing soulmates. At the very least, Sun/Neptune contacts indicate a feeling of merging into each other, which can be quite exhilarating. Often it is hard to tell where one person ends and the other person begins. The two people frequently have a strong psychic connection as well as a other types of connections.
Moving beyond planets and the Ascendant, there are some additional astrological clues for possible soulmate relationships. First, if one person's nodes are prominent in another person's chart, this is significant. Examples would be if the nodes of one person were square the nodes of the other person, if the nodes of one person were along the other person's Ascendant/Descendant, if the nodes of one person were conjunct/opposite/square the Sun or Moon of the other person.
Secondly, the Vertex is often used with synastry (chart comparison). If one person's Vertex makes a hard aspect to a planet or angle of the other person, this is a strong indicator of a karmic relationship, although not necessarily a soulmate one.
Thirdly, if the two persons have their angles square one another, this is a strong point of synastry. For instance, if one person's Ascendant/Descant is square the other person's Ascendant/Descendant, or if one person's Ascendant/Descendant is conjunct the other person's Midheaven/IC, then this is a strong karmic indicator, usually a Soulmate one of some kind.
Another indicator, one not commonly discussed, would be a similarity of pattern. In astrology, we talk about patterns that the planets make in a chart. Such patterns are called bowls, buckets, kites, yods, and so forth. If two persons have similar patterns and if those patterns have similar distinguishing marks, that could be a good indication of soulmate probability. For instance, for one soulmate couple that I know, both persons had a kite in their charts. Kites consist of a Grand Trine (three trines), and then an opposition to one corner of the trine which sextiles to the other two corners. The end result is a pattern that looks like a kite. Kites are not very common, and for two people to both have kites in a relationship made me sit up a bit straighter. Then I kept looking. Both of the Grand Trines were in Air signs, although the planets were not the same nor were the houses. Finally, both Kites had the same planet as the opposing planet. Thus, not only did the two people have the same pattern, but both patterns shared two strong distinguishing features.
Yet one more indicator might be that the Part of Marriage for one person falls upon a significant placement of another person's chart. The Part of Marriage is calculated by adding the Ascendant to the Descendant and then subtracting Venus. Some astrologers also use the Parts of Fascination and Karma when looking for Soulmate connections. The Part of Fascination is calculated by adding the Ascendant and Venus and then subtracting Uranus. The Part of Karma is calculated by Adding the Ascendant to Saturn and subtracting the Sun. (It helps to convert the signs to 360 degree equivalents when doing this sort of work or having your computer program calculate these parts for you.)
I'm writing all of this off the top of my head, not from prepared notes or a text, so I'm sure that I'm leaving out some significant soulmate indicators. However, this is enough for even an astrological novice to see that there is no one definitive marker of soulmates in astrological charts. If you and another person share several of these features between your charts, chances are that you are soulmates. However, remember that not even soulmate relationships exist happily ever after without a great deal of work and effort. Good luck, best wishes, and happy hunting.
copyright 1999, Nina Lee Braden
Chiron by conjunction in relationship synastry can bring great attraction and common interests, then sudden, inexplicable and bizarre reversals - the potential for mutual growth is enormous if the parties don't destroy each other and themselves in the process.
Ceres conjunctions and midpoints in synastry enhance the quality of any kind of relationship due to the desire of the Ceres person to provide comfort, patience, and unconditional love to another.
Juno conjunctions and midpoints in synastry provide points of attraction and greater likelihood of long-term collaboration.
Pallas may also deal with sexual intimacy among women, as seen by aspect and synastry.
In synastry, Vesta is a comfortable hearth of gentle warmth and good feelings.
The Vertex point is found on the right side of the chart, and has been called an "unconscious Descendant," and is a very sensitive point having to do with relationship and partnership matters. Another person's planets conjunct one's vertex can be highly significant in a relationship. Vertex midpoints in synastry also pertain to the nature of close relationships. Conjunctions to the Vertex and Vertex midpoints in synastry often have a "karmic" feeling about them.
by Carrol Willis